Democracy = Communism = Totalitarianism - Deontology lesson 1

Day 1,431, 06:54 Published in Romania Republic of Moldova by Vlad Dracula Mike
Democracy = Communism = Totalitarianism - YES or NO ???

its been a long time since i have wrote something. I believe it si time for a new article. SO...

Is not that hard to look around and see. They say communism is bad. How about democracy?
1. Do we all know what DEMOCRACY means?
2. Do we all know what COMMUNISM means?

We know form history that many of the words we use all around the globe come from either Latin or Greek and its the same with these 2 words. Let’s take it one by one.


The Original word comes from the Greeks and its actually 2 words. DEMOS (people) and KRATOS "power". Now take a wild guess and see what it means.

Yes, that is the ideal form of government where the people have the power, but before you change your mind, let me tell you more.

IF, they say that in COMMUNISM we should all have ALL things in common ( that is the main idea) and be gouverned by the people we all choose and be equal in rights. BUT hey…

Democracy sais about the same thing.. (POWER TO THE PEOPLE) – free and equal rights to all practices. BUT hey, communiscts say the same ;o)
So we finnaly get some understanding: All they want is to rule upon US and DO NOTHING if possible …

SO, why do I say they are all the same thisng and can go wrong very easy?
Democracy = Comunism = Totalitarism
Well, IF there is democracy (talking about the today democracy) we have a president and his team and they do whatever they want for 1 full month AND don’t get me wrong but these are facts. Democracy does NOT mean that we choose freely the ones that want to rule over us – IT should mean that thru them we have the same power and that we rule along with them..

SO, much with Democracy.

Communism? Same thing Do the people that we choose them to rule our eCountries do what we tell them to do?
It looks like they DON”T.

This brings me to the final conclusion:
There is not Democracy, no communism only some guys that rule for a month and they do whatever they want.
Most of them have no diplomacy skills and they wonder why some countries disappear in the game.

Democracy = Comunism = Totalitarism