Dartreal's Comic Update & Questionnaire

Day 1,488, 22:30 Published in Sweden Australia by Dartreal
Hello my children!

Thought I'd give you all a little update on how thing's have been going for me eRepublik and IRL wise.

For those who don't know I've been battling Chronic Fatigue for the past six months. It's been frustrating to say the least and does effect me in many ways - from working to making comics to doing simple and basic things. That's why there are some days where I won't put up any comics as I don't have the energy to do any. At the moment it's a 50/50 battle which is better than what it was a month ago so it's just a day-by-day thing I need to deal with.

And no - me being sick in real life has nothing to do with Dear Father being sick in the comics. I had a few people ask me this so I'm making it clear that it has nothing to do with my real life situation. Dear Father being sick is just part of the storyline that's been building up over these months.

Speaking of comics I've got about 3 comics ready to post over the next few weeks and as of writing this I'm working on another 5 so I'm well ahead of the game given my situation. After those comics are done I'll start playing around with my new style which will be debuted down the road.

I thought I'd take the time now to ask you guys for some feedback - mainly with the style of how I've been posting up the comics. As you know I get in about 4 - 5 frames in a strip and there are generally 6 - 10 strips per comic.

As the comics will probably be getting a little bit longer, I decided that it might be time to break up the comics and post them in halves or thirds depending on how big they are. What do you guys think? Should the comics be broken down into "parts" and be posted over a week to help break up the reading?

Any other feedback is welcome but do be warned - those who have asked to be featured in a comic have ended up... well... ask Henry The 8th.

Thanks for all the support, votes and subs from everyone. It's great to see that even after doing these comics for over a year I'm still getting new fans. Your support means a lot to me and I'm happy to see that people are enjoying my comics. It helps to spread the word about my comics too so keep the shouts going! 😃

Lots of love,