Congressional Bid x4 and Other News

Day 757, 13:18 Published in USA USA by Serendipitous

Hello my friends, I've returned! Here again to claim the congressional victory in the Great Incestuous State of Alabama!


Congressman (3x)
Current Speaker of the House (ooooh! shiny)
Citizenship Task Force Adviser
North American University Dean
Flying Unicorn Ticket Director
Meals on Wheels Distributor
Deputy Director of Ambassadorial Affairs
Guacamole Bar Project Director (everyone laugh with me!)


Here's a list of newspapers I recommend; I highly suggest you subscribe to them:


It hurts me to say this, but as usual, Alabama simply doesn't make the cut to be a fortress. However, please PM the organization below to move to California or Florida, one of our fortresses.

They'll help you out of your predicament.

Other News

As you can probably see, we're taking over Asia. Just look at my favorite mapping device! You might also see that Brazil is in Australia. Watch out for that. They're going to eat us.

Who's importing to who, eh China? Just kidding, we're actually helping to liberate China and India from PEENIX oppressors. Read the articles I listed above, you'll see it.

Current Citizen Orders dictate to fight here:

Please fight there! Thank you for doing your part!

Closing Remarks

You guys rock. Vote for me on the 25th!