Congress Elections; Column of Comrade Karker (Shere Medya)

Day 2,377, 05:21 Published in Netherlands Slovakia by Willem The Conqueror

Dear Readers,

Today, the day before the May' Congressional Elections, The Eye of Tomorrow has a column for our readers. The column has been written by Comrade Karker (Shere Medya), former member of Dutch Freedom Party (Hollands Glorie).

I don't expect this month's congress elections to change much. Why? Well honestly, eNL is in a wonderful position. No doubt about that. We haven't been in a position like this for months (maybe years!?). And that's all thanks to the current congress. So why should it change? Or another question would be: Why would it not change?

A simple answer would be that no party has significantly changed their previous agenda and ideas on how the country should be run. The country seems to be split into two:

- The people that want eNL to join Aurora will most likely vote for groups such as Libertas, Democratisch Nederland, Verenigd Nederland and Iron % Wine (by far seems to be the most popular option among the people of eNL).

- And those that do not support joining Aurora will most likely vote for the biggest party: Geuzen Partij Nederland (GPN).

However, I do hope that the more lazy and inactive members of congress (names will not be given) do get replaced by those who have potential to be more responsible.

But let's see and keep our eyes peeled. I think we should be focusing more on the Presidential elections than anything else. Last month's elections were quite a joke with only 1 candidate really running.

With this article, I will also announce my resignation from the Dutch Freedom Movement. Why? The party is not really legit. Therefore I will resign, and hope that James Janeway gets re elected as party president.

Comrade Karker

I want to thank Comrade Karker (Shere Medya) for his effort of writing a column, next time we'll have interviews again with the candidates of the Presidential Elections!

So stay tuned for more political news!

Your Press Director,
Willem The Conqueror