CcC INCI CcC or hello all :D

Day 1,737, 14:35 Published in Cyprus Ukraine by xSteviex

Thank you, Selcuk Parsadan for Cyprus cs :З

Short biography (policy)

RL - Ukrainian, my nikname xStevex, call me Stivi :3
Active player, 3 times was a congressman, was PP of Czech Boobs Party (Now they renamed to Narodni Garda) and PP of National Party of Ukraine and was one of the most successful Minister of Information (Sorry, only UA) 😁

Recently, I was President 😃
After my impeach, i decided to rest on the islands of Cyprus : )

And continue my old tradition traveling in search of new experiences, friends and ofc fun 🙂

Now, i join Party of Dark Side and MU Owl King where commander is dead citizen and 2 multi 😃

The first impression of Cyprus

Nice to meet you, thank you for your attention and sorry for my bad English