Bulgaria - Bravest Country In The eWorld

Day 1,582, 23:57 Published in USA USA by General Cartman Lee

I was listening to the USA government propaganda radio show tonight, where Oblige and all of his minions spent a large portion of the show bashing Bulgaria and blaming it. I, for one, have in the past, and will continue to commend the bravery and principle of the Bulgarian people. Americans can learn a lesson from the way Bulgaria conducts itself, but then again, this country doesn't stand for anything and just sells its friends out, but hey, it's worth pointing out. Bulgaria, make no mistake, Oblige would choose the Turks over you any day, and so would just about any member of the American government. They do not understand you, nor do they care to understand you. It is the hard, sad truth.

The way the Bulgarians stood up to Turkey and did not back down is extremely admirable. No other nation had the courage and steadfastness that they did. For this, they should be commended. The American elites do not know anything about history and do not have any common sense, so we cannot expect such feeble minded people to understand the profound and complicated issues surrounding this. While other nations, such as the Greeks, went back to an Ottoman Empire type mindset and decided to serve their old masters, the Bulgarians never backed down, and never allied with the Turks. They should be commended and applauded for their courage.

Bulgaria, I salute you as a nation o7
General Cartman Lee
Leader of the American Resistance
General of the Armies ******
American Eagle Division
EDEN-TERRA Unified Command