Brazil: Help Romania - MM Project

Day 1,266, 06:26 Published in Brazil Netherlands by T O LJ A G A
Hello friends,

I'm sorry that i'm a little bit spammer this days but this Media Mogul project is so important for our country because we try to collect as many money possible for military operations.All money colected will be donated to Fondul pentru Razboi

Help Romania, help your ally!

So please subscribe all newspapers from the list:

1.Sentimental Journal
3.Toilet paper
5.The digital scribe
6.Inside out
7.Vorba lu' Diuras
8.Quo vadis
9.Zdenghea dixit
11.Metabolic conspiracy
13.Out of the blu
14.. O P I A .
15.Stresul zilei
16.Just fabulous
17.P. A. R. U. L.
18.Romanian voice
19.News from above
20.eRo Voice

Thank you all! o7