Beyond the Lemonade Stand

Day 2,007, 07:12 Published in Greece Greece by Asterios C

“When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade”. I have always been a fun and a devout practitioner of this here proverbial phrase. It has a nice optimistic ring to it. It is about being easy-going, adaptable and creative. And besides, honestly, what can better a refreshingly cool, homemade lemonade under a scorching Greek sun? I have found the New World terribly akin at throwing lemons our way. What to my great discontent and disappointment didn’t find was gamers engaged enough to pick them up and squeeze their juice out. Those resourceful few that did, are now cashing in big-time over their lemonade stands.

This here entrepreneur spirit is of the essence. An essence no tweak by the game-developers, however major, can offer. It is this that has kept the New World spinning and in all probability what will continue to do so till the end of e-days. Many of us tend to lose focus of that point and get carried away with the what-ifs. I cannot say I blame us; on the contrary I would be alarmed if we didn’t, because after all the capability to design and evaluate scenarios presently unrealistic constitutes an essential part of human cognition. What if the game we are playing was in some respect different?

In the vein of exploring that eventuality, Gnilraps asks: “With all of the huge piles of greenbacks Plato is rolling in from the MU Contest, what ONE cool feature should they develop for our game?” For starters, I figure no one would deny that investing part of your generated income back into improving your product and services is a healthy choice and productive policy. On the other hand, constant intervention and reconfiguration may ultimately lead to a sense of frustration on the part of your client-base, in our case, us, the gamers.

What are we then to do? I say encourage originality across the board. Get your fellow-gamers and the administrative staff involved. But also learn to tolerate the pragmatics of the situation. Manage your anxieties and re-channel their energy into achieving something positive. Appreciate the potential for novel exciting experiences in anything and everything. It is not a deterministic framework, mind you. It is not a mere make do with what you’ve got. In effect, it is utilize what you’ve got to get what you want. Maybe we will be fortunate enough to witness the day when all citizens will know how to turn their lemons into lemonade and we can move beyond the lemonade stand. At least I know I’ m thirsty, do you?