Back in da Hood(Me)

Day 193, 01:51 Published in USA USA by Emerick

Category: Society

Well, I was gone for a month(exactly), and I didn't visit as many countries as I planned to.....I honestly got homesick. Weird, huh? I never thought it'd happen....but hey, it's a strange eWorld. I've kept up with the happening in eAmerica, of course. Here and whatever country I was currently in were the only media sections that I checked while I was gone....which isn't to say that I'm not up to date on foreign affairs, I frequent the forums, I catch up almost every day. So no worries about me not knowing about the newest member of the Mediterranian alliance(Canada) or Czech Republik's plans(lol nobody knows).....I'm good....and tired. I was up all night waiting for eRep to decide to work so I could finally fight in the Sausage War. I ended up getting a rank up with Alucard acting as a meatshield. Thanks again Alucard.

So what have I been up to you ask? I planned to write updates here for every country I visited along with an article from that country....but after I procrastinated with UK's article(it was supposed to be about the concept of schools ion eRepublik), I kind of lost my vigor. Sweden was great, but after that I didn't really feel it.....every country seems to be the same. Mostly business articles, some spam, and no news....I bitched about it everywhere. Skinny Bones Joe from UK tells me that I mae an impression and they're working on improving their media, which makes me feel good. I hope they do. Not because I bitched, but because it's right. The admin is [a url=]changing the way front pages are set up in v1[/a]
(which should be out in less than a month, which means 3 in eRep language). I'm hoping that'll encourage more people to write more news.

Here's links to all the papers I made during my travels(after Sweden I decided to make the paper's picture P3 persona's):
[a url=]IP Sweden[/a]
[a url=]IP UK[/a]
[a url=]IP UkraineslashRomania[/a]
[a url=]IP France[/a]
[a url=]IP Pakistan[/a](I just screwed around here)

What to expect from me and International Press
Right now I'm working on a thorough explanation of the Mediterranian Alliance- what they stand for, what they do, and how they do it. It'll be pretty much an educational piece. I've also secured an interview with Nave Saikiliah. An exit interview. My first article was an interview with him on his 11th day in office, so this will not only be interesting for me, but also somewhat nostalgic. I'm sending him questions tomorrow.....and if he takes half as long to answer them this time than he did the first time, it'll be about a week before I can publish it....

Besides that, I'll be doing an article every few days. I'm getting the impression that I've started acting sort of like Dateline...where I do big specials and forget the small stuff, but I don't want to do that, so I'll be putting out a few small, 2 or 3 paragraph articles for every big expose.

Here's a video, I was teetering between this and the theme song for Welcome Back, Kotter...and this won [youtube][/youtube]
