Day 739, 07:05 Published in Sweden Sweden by Maegalodonus

And once again Hungarians and Serbs FAIL in their attempt to destroy Croatia. Rapid and coordinated EDEN response has been the key to this glorious victory against the enemy.
Croatia is secured now, EDEN armies are focusing on kicking the Latvians and Russian out of Finland, which will happen soon.

Malaysia on the contrary has suffered a serious blow with the lost of Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia, so Sarawak is the only region left for them. Malaysia was not an EDEN allied so, with EDEN forces concentrating fire in the European front , no help could have possibly arrived from us. In the end, other non-EDEN Malaysian allies were not capable of dealing with the Indonesian onslaught . The good news is that Malaysia at least managed to secure one region, so now that EDEN forces are available, the counterattack in Malaysia to recapture Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah is meant to be a success. Another blow for the Indonesians.

Big Boy unhappy. Indonesian FAIL.

Serbian FAIL. Please try again.

What was left of the Hungarian Army at the gates of NW Croatia. Epic FAIL.

Ouch. Russian FAIL in Finland.

Hmmm, the HMS “Victory”?? HMS FAIL in my opinion.

That’s a…. TURKEY FAIL

Ok, Some statistics here:

Northwest Croatia Battle Hero; Shoot, Sweden. 21640 damage points

Slavonia Battle Hero; Durruti, Spain . 42621 damage points

Top 6 Total damage :

Croatia: 1747838
Spain: 1270477
Poland: 1074384
USA: 1060093
Greece: 918951
Romania: 851158