At dawn look to the east!

Day 2,102, 14:11 Published in United Kingdom Sweden by Master Lobban Le Rub Klitoris

Hello again eUK

Although I have not been back in the eUK for long I have decided to join New Era. Last time I was in the eUK New Era seemed to be always in the spotlight for not always the right reasons. However the New Era I come upon now is a different kind of party. Under ChewChewShoe this party really is taking a different path, one that should benefit the whole eUK and the community that comprises it; because of this I have accepted a role within the party which I hope will benefit New Era and its members. Under this new mantle of leadership New Era is experiencing a New Dawn

Now onto the real cause for this article.

For the eUK to be heard internationally we need to be able to direct are damage in a smart manner. This means educating the eUK fighters on what battles need to be fought at and when. It is the governments job to coordinate are fighting forces to were they are needed to advance are nation. Yet they apparently are failing to do this. The MoD articles is were a lot of fighters look to find out where they should fight but the MoD article has not been updated since day 2099. Although the government seems to be updating the IRC #MoD channel this unfortunately does not see near as many views as a MoD article would.

This has become mainly a war game and if the government cannot carry out simple tasks that could see the more efficient use of eUK's damage (which we need since we are not among the highest ranked nations) then that governments usefulness needs to be put into question.

Administration, get your act together!

Edit, soon after this article the government updated there MoD article.
New Era, keeping the government accountable to its people!

Strength and Honour