A time of darkness [Congress]

Day 1,772, 14:05 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Trogdorthetroll100

*Not this time, though*
TrogdortheTroll100 here to fill you in on our Swiss congressional elections. And I know this issue has been written about before. If you are confused about how the new system works, Paul Proteus summed it up this way;

Citizens will vote for Party's instead of Candidates
The Party President on the 24th will place the candidates in a "priority list".
Which congressmen get in depends on the amount of votes the Party receives with priorities working in a pretty self explanatory way.
What does this mean? Well in addition to killing 6th parties , this greatly increases the role of a top 5 party President, who now can practically choose which Congressmen he wants elected.

These rules are new for all of us, and have created significant discomfort to many people. Personally, I believe it is a huge mistake. The changes effectively kill 6th parties and advance elitism to its highest level yet. Besides showing you the regular results of the new voting system, I also write to you about problems. There have been huge issues caused by the changes all around the globe. In Switzerland in particular, many multies have been elected to congress by their multi brethren. They seek to disrupt the very foundations of our government. I can not tolerate this any longer. The eWorld needs to see only one example of the distress caused by these changes. 100 years passed an I discovered a new avat Please send a ticket to the admins proclaiming your distaste at the remaining multies in congress. Help me change the change!

But anyways, people were still elected, so here are the results.
The party that received the most votes this month, the A.I.M!

Party President: Psihihihi
Congress members; 32.38% of the vote
Rican- Level 40, 123 medals
banane fr- Level 28, 28 medals
Psihihihi- Level 46, 568 medals
Sgtchewy-Level 32, 49 medals
Vasmegy- Level 43, 113 medals
Gucio16- Level 40, 115 medals
Xeraes- Level 39, 142 medals
Chukcha- Level 43, 169 medals
Vukio- Level 34, 63 medals
JHunter- Level 34, 48 medals

I was scheduled to be next on that list, eleventh, but angrily I did not make it. I will tell you why am I angry later on.

Next up, the Swiss Liberal Party

Party President: Hunter4Life123
Congress members; 20.00% of the vote
Hunter4Life123- Level 31, 32 medals
Patar333- Level 39, 103 medals
Ikacar- Level 38, 96 medals
Mungos95- Level 37, 87 medals
Starface- Level 30, 58 medals
Daree II- Level 24, 32 medals

Third, with 19.05% of the vote, the Swiss “Freedom” party
Party president- dyplomata z krakowa
Congress members;
Conect.R- Level 20, 1 medal
Sprajnicev- Level 20, 1 medal
Bad Boy 99- Level 20, 1 medal
sMaMbO- Level 20, 1 medal
sven84- Level 20, 1 medal
AsaffR- Level 20, 1 medal

Now, someone explain to me how these people were elected. They are all evident multies, created very recently. Who would elect them? Well, maybe the 16 level 20 and below multies that compose the Swiss “Freedom” party. I am inquisitive to who is the man at the helm of all of them, creating an arboretum of fake accounts that makes a mockery of our democratic system. Without all of these voters, I would be able to bequeath congress for another month, the congress of my favorite country. But I cannot. To be fair, 9 of their candidates/party members have already been banned, and I hope the eRepublik team keeps cracking down on this injustice.

After that, with 18.10% of the vote, came the Swiss Peace Party.
Party president- Monsieur Guillontine
Congress members;
Monsieur Guillontine- Level 40, 93 medals
Bowen199- Level 45, 160 medals
Pero1q- Level 46, 131 medals
Chihasa- Level 21, 2 medals
*side note, Chihasa is definitely not a multi.*
BM Punk- Level 24, 13 medals

Lastly, the SRC pulled in 10.48% of the vote
Party President: Julian Anderson
Congress members;
Julian Anderson- Level 28, 53 medals
Uros95- Level 33, 81 medals
Spqr roma- Level 37, 106 medals

Do I feel wronged by these elections? Yes I do. I hope there is some resolution to this problem. Switzerland deserves better.

Yours always Switzerland,