A message to America from a Spanish Congressman

Day 745, 09:40 Published in USA Spain by Carl Friederich Gauss
Good Morning America,

I close my eyes and then I remember some past events...
- I've seen my country disappear in the fangs of a hungry imperialist wolf.
- I've seen the impotence of loosing battle after battle
- I've seen a fruitful economy destroyed, lots of companies closed and lots of people jobless.
- I've seen a constant stream of shameless mockery of our eNation in our media.
- I've seen all the hospitals and defence systems reduced to dust, all our historic effort wiped away.
- I've seen hopeless people thinking that those events would be the end of their eCountry.
But I've seen brave people fighting for their ideas, emptying their pockets and giving their time to recover what it was originally theirs. Their own land.

We share a common past of havoc and destruction.
Both our countries where reduced to ashes... and both our countries came back to live, like powerful Phoenix rising high, showing the honour and the courage of our citizens.

This story talks, obviously, about the loss of Spain (and of great part of USA and other EDEN countries) this last summer. We lost everything trying to defend our allies and we would certainly repeat those actions.

Now we are attacking those who destroyed us. France. It is not about an imperialistic move, as we don't have any interest in their regions and as, even if we are superior on the 1vs1, they have 7MPPs that fight at their side. It is about a REVENGE. But not about a personal vendetta, it is about the common belief that those who are evil should be punished.

I know USA signed peace with France lately, which was not very good seen by the Spanish opinion. But I am not here to criticize that, for I am not the one who should say what to do and what to avoid. You have the right and I fully support your decisions.
Yesterday we asked for help and a few Americans came (which we are very thankful for). I know not many came as orders where to stay neutral and as you were liberating another region from the imperialist monster of Russia (congratulations for that, those actions really honour you).

Spanish and American Marines fighting side by side

Now I am here to ask you to fight at our side. To come to Spain and fight with us and destroy those that previously destroyed us (and moreover now that Russia is at their side).
I would be very glad if you come and fight with your brothers side by side.

The official orders are to:

Fight in Rhone Alps!!!

This battle is very important as it is one of the most important regions of France.

Whether you decide to come and fight at our side or decide to stay at home I will fully respect your decision. I will always have you in my heart as well as in the heart of all Spanish citizens as such great allies.

Thanks America for being such a great allied.



Carl Friederich Gauss
Spanish Congressman