5 Questions with Kremsey on Primary Eve

Day 985, 18:26 Published in USA United Kingdom by Devoid

This guy's running for president.

So being the dashing journalist that I am, I thought I'd ask him 5 questions, questions that other journalists won't ask.

edited for readability and STYLE

1) In short, what is your opinion of the Reala administration?

Krems: My opinion is that simply, they got a lot more shit than deserved. But having said that, he set himself up with a lack of initiative and an inexperienced cabinet.

2) Why are you in SEES? SEES seems to be fairly misunderstood, in your words what is SEES about?

Krems: I'm in SEES, because it is simply the best community around. I would have quit a long time ago if they didn't exist. SEES is simply about quality. We are the best at what we do, which is propaganda, story telling and media, not to mention community development. If PEACE had been a political party, they would have been a lot like us.

3) Some have suggested that your Cabinet will be filled with your buddies rather than with the most qualified candidates. How do you respond?

Krems: I will give positions to the most qualified. Always. Now, a lot of the people who I consider to be qualified are old hands in government. If i were you I'd be more concerned that I won't include enough new people.

4) Dio?


5) Why is your avatar wearing eye makeup?

Krems: It's not make up. I just happen to have bags under my eyes due to how hard I work.

Any last word?

Krems: I am justice.

So go vote for St Krems in the primary tomorrow. Or vote for Fionia. Or Pizza the Hut. This is AMERICA, I'm not going to tell you who to vote for. But go do it. Or Uncle Sam gets it.

- Devoid