[WAR] Fear not - Norwegians are here to help us!

Day 1,120, 23:37 Published in Sweden Sweden by Valnad
Greetings Swedes, Danes, Homonavians and our Südschwedisch fräuleins,

As you may already have noticed, Norway are on the move. They will soon invade Jamtland Harjedalen - but everything is in order. We will swap this region, under careful supervison of Governor Misho, against the Norwegian region called Trondelag.

This is yet another step in the Scandinavian process of improving our relations towards one another. I know that not everyone might be pleased about losing a core region, but you may want to keep in mind that this will aid both our neighbors in their efforts of becoming a more food-industrial based economy... as well as ourselves in our efforts of once again being able to compete on the international weapon manufacturing market.

I ask you therefore to have a few beers, they're on Grev Per tonight, and let the Norwegians poke a flag in the soil of Jamtland. We will of course notify our allies of this as well.

With love,

President Valnad
In his prime, drinking beer at 9 am while working.