[WAR] Fear not, Germans, we bring you hope and Danishism!

Day 1,119, 07:12 Published in Sweden Sweden by Valnad
Due to recent turn of events in the North, with several prominent citizens bringing their eDanish awesomeness into our otherwise quite dull and bueraucratic community, we have high hopes of actually making eSweden a fun place to live in again.

As two-time elected President of Sweden, it is therefor my obligation and honor to bring them fun. Therefor I hereby proclaim Saxony-Anhalt part of Denmark!

The People of Homonavia rejoice!

By remarkable coincidense, Demark is fashionably hiding within Sweden for the time being, which by consequence means that Saxony-Anhalt is also part of Süd-Schweden! We also welcome Germans to let go of their static, boring way of life and joing in the revolution (and quite possibly evolution to put some flavor into this game again. My suggestion is that you listen to The Prophet A.Holst, holy be thine name, and convert to Danishism.

If you have moral obligations preventing you from joining, you could just do a complete home makeover and get massive discounts in the new IKEA factory, soon to be opened in a region close to you. We know that your country has suffered many hard blows recently. We also think that it's unfair that you get mocked around between superior enemies...

... since you deserve so much better.

We have High Beer in Sjaelland and moose burgers can be delivered directly form the Svealand forests. We can make your country St00r again. Ask yourselves: do we want to be considered southern europeans, eastern europeans or awesome europeans?

And since we know you never really got over The Hoff, we asked him to send you a special greeting...

So, from the bottom of our Homonavian hearts...

For great justice.


President of Homonavia