[Urgent] Message for All Congress Members

Day 856, 22:48 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness
Official Press Release
Date😛 March 26th 2010

Dear Congress Members,

Congratulations to everyone who has won the elections and for those who were not able to make it there are more elections to come. We have successfully defeated the PTO as most of them were banned during the elections making it easy to secure the seats for AV and PP. Good news is there is no PTO elected congress member in Pakistani Congress.

Now, we need every congress member to donate 5 Gold to Treasury. To do that go to "Country Stats" and click on donate button right next to the country flag. We need this gold to sign mpp as planned by Pak_Land and Anonymous90 (General of Pakistan Mobile Forces)

This is part of a bigger plan to make Pakistan Powerful and It is your duty to serve your country!!! Donate to the treasury and help us make Pakistan a safer place by signing a MPP.

Benefits of the MPP we are planning ?

War games, War games , War Games

Donate 5 Gold from Congress To Treasury and this is Request to all elected congress members from every party. Help us raise a strong Pakistan. Go Pakistan Army !!!!

Pride , Power, Pakistan