[UK Prime Minister] Some news from these last days.

Day 2,251, 00:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 10 Downing Street

Dear citizens, today, I’m writing you from my bed with a fever and a gastro.
That’s the reason why I was less available on these moments.

Live from my bed

I need to explain what happened : my plans were to go in scandinavia to catch deer in Jamtland. We found a road to gain it and Lithuania didn’t lose any resource. It worked well until Canadians decided to pick United Kingdom as Natural enemy.

Like often, Canada isn’t good to put UK as natural enemy if it is 1 vs 1. It is easier for them to attack UK when they are busy with someone else. When I saw that : I asked to Lithuania to put Sweden as natural enemy. the goal was to keep Bohus and avoid a NE proposal from Sweden.
Sadly, Lithuania took time to answer, told me “don’t worry, everything is fine, … it won’t happen …” Currently, they are scared to receive NE proposal from Finland. That’s why they didn’t moved for UK. It is quite sad from an ally because earlier : When Lithuania needed help, UK was there for NE Germany.

Resistance wars in France had the goal to give them back their regions (because we should receive a huge Resistance war before congress). And following that : Poland should take them. It worked until RW in Picardy was victorious for UK (bad sign). France decided to choose UK as Natural Enemy. Poland wasn’t able to do something because they had no borders (North Calais didn’t bordered their regions). Of course, we answered. I talked with French CP asking him if that NE was preventive or not. His answer was : Congress has the last word. Earlier in the month : he wasn’t interested by another war between UK and France but when it appeared : he made nothing to stop it.

You know like me that France is a strange country. Their diplomacy is weird : that’s why we can find on their last article on “Journal officiel” (Official newspaper) that all citizens from United Kingdom are gingers. On their last MoD news : We are once again called “Perfidious Albion".

UK population is often called “Rosbeef” by Frenchs. Goal to reduce tensions between our 2 countries is useless. We can try to do our best to call them “France” or “Frenchs”? They continue to insult us. We aren’t the only country who receive these “lovely names”. Poles are often called “Plumbers”, Spanish are called “Sapin” (Fir in english). You switch P and A from Spain and you have Sapin (Fir). These last years, Spanish players were called “Juan” by Frenchs because for them : Juan is the only male name in Spain. I know that not every french is doing that but lot of their comments are racists towards other countries. But that kind of reaction isn’t only on Erepublik. They are doing the same on Facebook. On the page of their community : you can see this.

I understand that not everybody is fluent in french but it means “Like Loquilo said : My friends, we are going to fistf*ck Kravenn”. “Hope that congress will follow”.

And also : they mentioned that UK CP is a salaud (Bastard) and "réputation" is written as "re-pute-ation" Pute means "Wh*re"

On day 2250 at 08.35 Ereptime : The first offensive comment was removed and you could see this.

Which means “following a request from by dear president, I removed the last publication. concerned citizen disliked it and for french diplomacy : I remove”. I contacted French CP and asking him to do something there. I don’t allow attacks like that and he understood my position. However for the citizen who manage that community. I remain a bastard and he didn’t made any apologies. It was more “Because, I received pressure, I remove”.

These attacks can also be found on Twitter

Check translation below previous pictures

I was on french Irc channel and that guy said :
[17:40] < BisBis > faut pas lui en vouloir: c'est un belge (Don’t blame him, he is Belgian).
It proves how racist can some french citizens can be

Our countries can be opposed on the battlefield, but respect isn’t there on French side. I try to avoid french clichés on my articles (they are called France or Frenchs, so nothing offensive). On the other side : you find the stupid clichés and personal attacks. I don’t tolerate that lack of respect. I’m almost sure that even between community like Serbian and Croatian ones. You never saw personal attacks on facebook (against the other country or a citizen of this country).
These last years : Croatia was on the other side of the battlefield. On UK articles, I never saw any offensive term against their community. I’m sure that it is the same on their country. We can be opponents but we have respect for them.

Classic reaction after lack of respect coming from France

However and even if I was tempted to put an embargo against France : I won’t do it. It won’t change things. For me, France is the perfect example of a country where lot of players aren’t able to make a difference between game and reality. I was thinking that we could talk with them and reduce tensions between UK and France. I was wrong. If a country is working to ban offensive terms against the other community and the other is doing nothing : It will never work and I stop to lose my time to play “cop” on UK official articles

Fool me once shame on you Fool me twice shame on me (and there won’t be a second time).

As you know : TWO is now a past alliance. It is hard to see that but it is only the reality. Since its creation : United Kingdom was a TWO member, we worked hard on it, we recognised that despite our size (we have less firepower than Poland) : British fighters are great.

These last months (like in every alliance), you could see a split who provoked a collapse. The most visible moment was when Cookies Crisps and Howly decided to have a vote about Spanish status. They were sure to see Spain out of the alliance but they receive a great surprise when they saw a 5-1 in favor of Spain (only Howly who was Slovenian CP voted to kick them). Following that, there was an impeach vote against that team. Even if TWO was saved : scars remained. another SG was impeached (schmidt), … After that, it was almost sure that TWO will collapse.
Currently, there is no official “big” alliance but behind the curtain : there is some talks about future alliances.

I can’t say a lot of things on this article just that we aren’t alone. We have some excellent friends like Poland, Spain, Greece, … and I’m planning to stay near from our best allies. Another thing who is sure : future alliance name won’t be THREE or FOUR (because people are waiting to see THREE).

Reading proposal for future alliance

Also, main MPPs (for this week) were renewed : Poland - Spain - Hungary - Greece and Republic of China (Taiwan). My apologies for the last MPP. We are now allied for 60 days. I didn’t saw the alert and launched a renewal. It is something who already happened in the past (in UK and also in larger countries). It can also happen on next UK CPs.

Also, changes on food and weapons taxes were proposed. Our Minister of Finances suggests to reject these changes. We will see tomorrow results because congress has the last word.
About official articles :

[MoD] Battle prios for Day 2250 : http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/battle-prios-day-2-250--2363986/1/20
[MoD] Battle prios for Day 2249 (and also 2247 and 224😎 :
[MoFA] Update on recent affairs :
[MoF] Short Update on UK income and expenses

Not from the cabinet but always important
[NHS] UK youngsters need you

I’m sorry if I forgot an official article.

For next days, I could remain less active than usual (as long as I’m ill), I will be back soon stronger than ever.
Thank you very much for reading this long article

eUK Prime Minister