[TDP] A Progressive Congress (June 25th Elections)

Day 1,677, 03:53 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112

Join The Dutch Progressives Today!

Dear citizens,

The future of our political party The Dutch Progressives seemed dark, but that has completly changed over the course of the last few days. We've once again grown, while the others parties have fallen. We will soon conquer our rightfull spot back on top of the eDutch political stage.

However, the amount of members in a party is only trivial at most. More important is the small layer of active players within each party, which come up with a vision to hold on to, and which will make a good result in the coming congress elections possible. This article will represent the vision we'd like to represent.

In our history, we have and will prove ourselves by battling bureaucracy and introducing new reforms, which will weaken corruptcy, but will strengthen the efficiency within our eCountry. Vote for a progressive party who comes up with new ideas and seeks for out of the box solutions.

We've thus decided to focus on the following issues:
*Coaching & Recruitment
*International Community

Issue 1: Coaching & Recruitment
We believe that the government should not be the most important and sole institution which should help our new citizens. As happens in real life, all sectors of daily life should be used to help them grow into our next generation of generals and presidents. This means we'll not waste our times critizing the government on this subject, but take our responsibilities as political party in establishing a healthy population growth rate.

Issue 2: International Community
We want to open our borders at all times for non-dangerous foreigners, and establish English as standard language in our country. This does not mean Dutch will be neglected; Dutch translations are encouraged, and Dutch must be allowed at all times, but not forced upon our (originally very internationally orientated) community.

Issue 3: Bureaucracy
TDP stands for an efficient country, with as less bureaucracy as possible. This means more power and less irrelevant controls on our government. The government should again have the power to make policy, instead of (sometimes not-experienced) congressmembers seizing power and scoring points on their populistic agenda. In our eyes the government should be responsible for actual policy, while congress should act as watchdog. This also means we'll absolutely not support handing juridical powers to congress, which will only result in Belgium-like situations (in which people get ousted from the community for no apparent reasons, or solely on political grounds).

If you support the points proposed in this manifest, vote for us soon (25th of June) during the congressional elections! Please use the voting advise sheet if you consider voting for us!

We wish you a happy summer - With TDP!

Party President TDP

Join The Dutch Progressives Today!