[TCO] So you think you know The Crimson Order?

Day 1,288, 16:03 Published in Ireland Ireland by Patrick O'leary

So you think you know The Crimson Order?

Think again!

TCO is a split organization consisting of two Divisions. The majority of TCO’s members reside in eCanada and are members of the Crimson Canucks. But, as I said, that is only the majority. There is another division of TCO that lives in eAustralia; the Crimson Devils, who have a sizable population of their own.

So you’re probably thinking that CC and CD are made up of just eCanadians and eAussies right? WRONG!!! You can join from any country in the world. We have a large group of eIsraelis, eIrish, eSwedes and eBulgarians as well. In fact the eIrish make up two whole legions in the Canucks.

The benefits of being a TCO member are great. You are regularly supplied with food and weapons. In addition to this normal supply you will also, for certain battles, get extra weapons or food to ensure we can max out our damage for that fight. You will be a part of a brother and sisterhood of soldiers who revel in the fight and are always happy to go to battle - even with one another 😉. We vote each other’s articles, and aid in other in-game endeavors.

So what’s the catch I hear you ask? Well it’s very simple. First you are required to work in a TCO company. Second you are encouraged, but not forced, to follow orders and fight in certain battles. However do be aware that if you are not fighting in the requested battles you will not be given extra supplies.

Interested in joining? It’s simple - click here for our forums, create an account and then post in the above thread with the required information.

After a very brief trial period, where you find your TCO job, switch to your TCO avatar and talk with TCO members (and it’s entirely possible to meet these requirements in minutes!) you will be assigned to a regular legion and will join the proud men and women of the TCO.

All ranks and strengths are welcome, and you can retain your current citizenship if you like (though you will need to move toe Aus or eCanada, naturally, as that’s where all our companies are based).

-The Crimson Canucks supplies all its soldiers three times a week with food and weapons automatically if you respond to a weekly roll call and work in a TCO company, there is no need for any soldier to go out of their way to request this supply. When there is a mission or important battle we also supply via IRC with additional food and weapons.

- The Crimson Canucks, and the TCO in general, welcome players of all strengths and our members comprise some of the strongest soldiers from Canada and Australia, as well as from Ireland and, increasingly, Sweden.

- All TCO members are treated equally and receive an equal share of the overall supply. Execs, far from getting extra supplies, often don't accept supply at all in order to increase the communal share or donate it to members in more need.

The Crimson Canucks is recruiting enthusiastic, active and dedicated players that wish to be something above the rest, something above even the best. We are a highly mobile fighting force that has spear-headed many conflicts around the globe. We bring to the battlefield a passion to see results and our enemies defeated.

When you join you will be welcomed and trained to be an elite fighting machine, it’ll take time but with dedication and perseverance your skill levels well increase and your damage output will be that much greater. Your brothers and sisters in the TCO will always be there when you need them.

The Crimson Canucks offers you a chance to enjoy this game more, to make a bigger difference not only on the battle field but in the eCanadian community, to make you known and respected as a warrior and as a patriot.

Click the COG and start your new eLife today, enlist and meet your full potential.