[SSG] Update-Top Fighter

Day 1,685, 03:16 Published in Japan Japan by ardishabutaro
All SSG members should comment if you read this, even with the blank comment

Missing Day
Well, since i was too busy with RL issue, and miscommunication happen between me and Akimi, so sadly to said that Day 1681 and 1682 last day fight didn't recorded into our log-book. I am terribly sorry for that, and if you want to claim your tank. You can comment below to claim.
All SSG Member who wants to claim, please type Claim[space]amount. i.e: Claim 20. To be noted before, maximum claim for your fight is 30.

Please noted that the deadline of claiming your distro is until next article, or next saturday. More than that, your claim is not accepted

Open Donations
Since We need to grow up our system based on helping each other to upgrade together, i open the donation for SSG. Mainly for our new congressman (who i believe, you run not for gold 😃). All JPY or Gold is accepted, or you can donate your food or weapon. I will log the donation, so everyone can see where the money goes.

SSG Top Fighter
Week 2 Top Fighter:
1. Akimi: x 17 (500/31)
2. fregtergerg: x 6 (200/39)
3. Mayer Rothschild: x 4 (100/29)

June 2012 Top Fighter:
1. Akimi: 1500 Kills

x 65 (2000/31) + 1 Gold
2. fregtergerg: 1361 Kills
x 26 (1000/39)
3. Karasu Loverock: 1322 Kills
x 26 (750/29)

more info:

Open Recruitment: Designer
Open Recruitment for SSG Top Fighter medal. Please send your portfolio, and if it good for us, i will send you 1 Gold. Thanks.
PM me if interested, and your sketch.
Edit: Shizuma has doing well with her design. Top fighter now can use the badge for her/his action in the month.

Proposal for Restructuring
Another article made by Akimi about something happen in the forums: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/proposal-for-restructuring-starting-point-2072304/1/20
Please give your idea.


SSG Commander, Party President and Warrior