[SSG] Saturday Update 6

Day 1,698, 05:06 Published in Japan Japan by ardishabutaro
All SSG members should comment if you read this, even with the blank comment

Open up proposal
Since we have a lot of weapon (in many type) in treasury, We open a proposal of Loan, or request, or swapping. PM me, or write on SSG feed.

Captain Regiment Election
Election start tomorrow, please run in 1st and 2nd Regiment. Anyone who fit the in-game requirement is accepted. The only thing you must (for me) have is active time a day (at least 10-15 minutes to do distro).
100 JPY per day, for active captain. Thank you.

SSG Top Fighter
Week 4 Top Fighter:
1. Mayer Rothschild: x 17 (500/30)
2. Karasu Loverock: x 9 (200/29)
3. ardishabutaro: x 3 (100/41)

more info:


SSG Commander, Party President, and Warrior