[Soimii Patriei] Stats 2043 - 2049

Day 2,055, 04:52 Published in Romania Romania by Soimii.Patriei

Here are Soimii Patriei's stats for New World Days 2043 - 2049

AAladin is now level 103
Iain Keers is now level 83
The Troll Warlord is now level 73
VeRU14 is now level 69
gianimitrea is now level 66
Slider is now level 63
Guzganozaur is now level 53
Floricalee is now level 53
von dix is now level 52
yonutz is now level 52
lettyy is now level 48
stanyk is now level 47
Ucuitoru is now level 47
mitic is now level 45
Prigat Nectar is now level 45
Kidu is now level 44
Cruciabat is now level 43
Chirca Mihai is now level 42
Dexter101 is now level 40
Andreim01 is now level 38
Sisk is now level 38
hime is now level 38
lexblue is now level 37 and moved up to Division-IV: Tanks
buru is now level 36
AdiObi is now level 35
Octavian 21 is now level 34
rofox is now level 34
DiCEyo is now level 33
nirolficescu is now level 33
WeComeInPeace is now level 32
Tetranychus is now level 31
KevinKK is now level 31
Paval Petronel is now level 28
iasmindarius is now level 27
mishuc is now level 27
O L Y is now level 24

Mimpos is now God of War
TaieTot is now God of War
Smeash is now God of War
Lurviantor is now God of War
demo-bt-ro is now God of War
MAXXX is now Legendary Force***
endotear is now Legendary Force**
DiCEyo is now Legendary Force**
urecheatu007 is now Legendary Force*
Cruciabat is now Legendary Force*
Cristu is now Legendary Force*
tm1980ro is now Legendary Force*
Dianutza is now Legendary Force
radu.bogorin is now World Class Force**
cipri79 is now World Class Force**
Arthas Alex is now World Class Force**
Retribute is now World Class Force*
cionutz1 is now World Class Force
WeComeInPeace is now World Class Force
azemus is now World Class Force
rofox is now National Force***
Octavian 21 is now National Force***
Georgiana79 is now National Force***
iulydacul is now Supreme Marshal**
BaD.B0Y is now Supreme Marshal**
discobolu is now Supreme Marshal
Cirstea Catalin is now Supreme Marshal
Mihai Abrudan is now Field Marshal***
DanySpataru is now Field Marshal**
mariuselu10 is now Field Marshal*
mishuc is now General**
Birghi is now General*
TurokAnap is now General*
iasmindarius is now Colonel***
SeFir 95 is now Colonel***
O L Y is now Colonel**
vasilica bostan is now Colonel*
Gotzisor is now Colonel*
daliahme is now Lt Colonel

Battle Hero: AAladin x3; Bogdan Adamutz; The Troll Warlord x2; alpho x2; paul_voiclis x2; buru x11; VeRU14 x4; dragutin69; DiCEyo x2; iulydacul; von dix; Cristu x2; SaiperRo; Ucuitoru; endotear x2; Matracuca x5; Octavian 21 x2; MMCB x2; TurokAnap; Smeash x3; mariusalin18; Cruciabat; discobolu; manasel x2; O L Y x9; VampireA; Dexter101; five0ne x5;
Campaign Hero: AAladin; VeRU14;
Hard Worker: AAladin; chandra; MihaiD; hoderaz; Zam0lxe; Cosette; Cristu; Arthas Alex; cipri79; ivictoras; TaieTot; Sisk; Gray Tabby; mirela daniela; Tetranychus; WeComeInPeace; MMCB; geoap; mariusblue; rofox; The Butterfly; ckrisstian; O L Y; LivFlo; MAXXX; ingph200; basucu; VampireA; five0ne; Iain Keers; SeFir 95;
Super Soldier: Kelstein x2; Petsku x3; AAladin x4; Bogdan Adamutz x3; The Troll Warlord x3; alpho x3; paul_voiclis x2; chandra x2; xul0 x3; gianimitrea x3; stanyk x2; Soimu Patriei x3; Satanutz; MihaiD; Slider; marcs x2; sparky84 x2; Floricalee; buru x3; Griss0m; Lurviantor; yonutz; amorroxic; Magu x2; Legionarul; kally; Dorin oZ x2; VeRU14 x3; dragutin69; Zam0lxe x2; Hatori; DiCEyo x3; cocowho x2; tm1980ro; AdiObi; hime; Georgiana79; alpha2005; giap x2; rakuraka x3; von dix; Soim x2; Chirca Mihai; Cristu x3; mitic; DeepSilence; SaiperRo; Flavius Aetius Honorius; carcotasuoro; Heron Invictus; leoalex; b0gdan2003; raul bobes; Ucuitoru x2; endotear x2; Matracuca x3; ivictoras x2; Crista22; TaieTot; Sisk x3; Mimpos; mio_eu; Tetranychus; Mihai Abrudan; razalex; Dianutza; Burebistalone; florin22e; WeComeInPeace x3; azemus; Impressio HT x3; geoap x2; Nebunel x2; Andreim01; Deliric88; vladkas; TurokAnap x2; AlexFlower; Pripasu Flavius x2; Alex Milotin x2; Kidu x3; aniujual x3; Smeash x3; Prigat Nectar; lettyy; adrianhora; mariusalin18 x3; lexblue; Cruciabat; crina318 x2; radu.bogorin; discobolu; manasel x3; Nica Florin Ionel x3; demo-bt-ro x2; Lucian1 x2; xiforieni; Skillder; georgerusu79; tzatzyky 81; Symbian; Retribute; ckrisstian x3; Froind2; Cirstea Catalin; gabbyyii; BaD.B0Y; diuras x3; LivFlo x3; MAXXX x2; cionutz1; stefan1376; Guzganozaur; ingph200; Chymen; basucu; Dzorbas; Marius Muntean x2; VampireA x3; Dexter101 x2; five0ne x2; Furty x2; lNeoN; The Uliu; Eunice Petrova; Fenix Addargor; Dreamer_KF; SeFir 95;
True Patriot: Kelstein; The Troll Warlord; chandra; xul0; stanyk; Soimu Patriei; Slider; Dorin oZ; iulydacul; alpha2005; Gotzisor; rakuraka; endotear; Tetranychus; Burebistalone; MMCB; Nebunel; The Butterfly; TurokAnap; AlexFlower; Prigat Nectar; crina318; discobolu x2; ckrisstian; Froind2; O L Y x6; cionutz1; iasmindarius; Dzorbas; SeFir 95;
Resistance Hero: Matracuca;

Division-IV: Tanks: -709419496
1 Bogdan Adamutz » God of War***, 54 410 str [+720], 57 551/hit q7 [+756]
2 alpho » God of War**, 53 694 str [+720], 55 987/hit q7 [+745]
3 The Troll Warlord » God of War**, 53 152 str [+716], 55 427/hit q7 [+741]
4 VeRU14 » God of War**, 52 332 str [+720], 54 577/hit q7 [+745]
5 chandra » God of War**, 51 979 str [+720], 54 212/hit q7 [+745]
6 Petsku » God of War**, 51 639 str [+720], 53 861/hit q7 [+745]
7 Matracuca » God of War**, 51 010 str [+720], 53 209/hit q7 [+745]
8 manasel » God of War**, 50 782 str [+720], 52 973/hit q7 [+745]
9 paul_voiclis » God of War**, 50 725 str [+720], 52 915/hit q7 [+746]
10 diuras » God of War**, 49 188 str [+716], 51 323/hit q7 [+741]
11 AAladin » Titan, 45 786 str [+816], 49 188/hit q7 [+869]
12 gianimitrea » God of War**, 47 064 str [+720], 49 125/hit q7 [+745]
13 Soimu Patriei » God of War*, 47 385 str [+653], 48 741/hit q7 [+666]
14 xul0 » God of War**, 45 808 str [+579], 47 825/hit q7 [+599]
15 Kidu » God of War*, 45 646 str [+649], 46 967/hit q7 [+662]
16 Satanutz » God of War*, 41 122 str [+366], 42 353/hit q7 [+374]
17 rakuraka » God of War*, 39 617 str [+716], 40 817/hit q7 [+730]
18 LivFlo » God of War*, 38 845 str [+699], 40 030/hit q7 [+712]
19 Ucuitoru » God of War*, 38 438 str [+641], 39 614/hit q7 [+653]
20 Nica Florin Ionel » God of War*, 38 083 str [+645], 39 252/hit q7 [+657]
21 Alex Milotin » God of War*, 36 728 str [+495], 37 871/hit q7 [+505]
22 aniujual » God of War, 37 130 str [+666], 37 718/hit q7 [+669]
23 stanyk » God of War*, 36 246 str [+716], 37 379/hit q7 [+731]
24 Sunsetter » God of War*, 35 486 str [+146], 36 603/hit q7 [+148]
25 Marius Muntean » God of War*, 34 675 str [+670], 35 776/hit q7 [+683]
26 dragutin69 » God of War*, 32 974 str [+408], 34 041/hit q7 [+415]
27 Soim » Legendary Force***, 33 190 str [+515], 33 254/hit q7 [+510]
28 Sisk » God of War, 32 293 str [+720], 32 856/hit q7 [+723]
29 von dix » God of War*, 31 188 str [+436], 32 220/hit q7 [+445]
30 Dorin oZ » God of War*, 30 944 str [+670], 31 970/hit q7 [+683]
31 giap » God of War, 30 467 str [+629], 31 022/hit q7 [+632]
32 ckrisstian » God of War, 30 005 str [+720], 30 557/hit q7 [+723]
33 Pripasu Flavius » God of War, 29 779 str [+411], 30 330/hit q7 [+414]
34 Dexter101 » God of War, 29 633 str [+455], 30 183/hit q7 [+457]
35 Zam0lxe » God of War, 29 493 str [+716], 30 042/hit q7 [+719]
36 ivictoras » God of War*, 28 918 str [+556], 29 904/hit q7 [+567]
37 sparky84 » God of War, 28 791 str [+306], 29 337/hit q7 [+307]
38 Crista22 » God of War, 28 726 str [+303], 29 271/hit q7 [+304]
39 marcs » God of War, 26 956 str [+653], 27 492/hit q7 [+655]
40 balcaniq » God of War, 26 787 str, 27 323/hit q7
41 MihaiD » God of War*, 25 588 str [+110], 26 507/hit q7 [+112]
42 Shadowman Fza » God of War*, 25 152 str, 26 063/hit q7
43 Magu » Legendary Force**, 25 611 str [+370], 25 361/hit q7 [+361]
44 Slider » God of War*, 24 319 str [+225], 25 213/hit q7 [+229]
45 Impressio HT » God of War, 23 508 str [+570], 24 028/hit q7 [+573]
46 Lurviantor » God of War, 22 201 str [+204], 22 714/hit q7 [+540]
47 cocowho » Legendary Force**, 22 701 str [+645], 22 523/hit q7 [+629]
48 Kelstein » Legendary Force**, 21 424 str [+670], 21 278/hit q7 [+653]
49 hoderaz » God of War, 20 698 str [+145], 21 203/hit q7 [+146]
50 Nebunel » Legendary Force**, 21 182 str [+436], 21 043/hit q7 [+425]
51 AlexZoar » Legendary Force***, 20 701 str [+145], 20 890/hit q7 [+144]
52 Legionarul » Legendary Force*, 20 915 str [+195], 20 463/hit q7 [+188]
53 demo-bt-ro » God of War, 19 307 str [+361], 19 806/hit q7 [+653]
54 Griss0m » God of War, 19 177 str [+180], 19 675/hit q7 [+181]
55 lexblue » Legendary Force, 20 367 str [+276], 19 625/hit q7 [+261]
56 Hatori » Legendary Force*, 19 740 str [+349], 19 334/hit q7 [+335]
57 MAXXX » Legendary Force***, 19 007 str [+386], 19 213/hit q7 [+667]
58 MosCraciun1923 » God of War, 18 618 str [+87], 19 113/hit q7 [+88]
59 Floricalee » God of War, 18 312 str [+246], 18 806/hit q7 [+248]
60 Chirca Mihai » Legendary Force*, 18 730 str [+436], 18 365/hit q7 [+419]
61 amorroxic » Legendary Force***, 18 122 str [+225], 18 337/hit q7 [+223]
62 geoap » Legendary Force***, 18 021 str [+453], 18 237/hit q7 [+448]
63 lettyy » Legendary Force**, 17 818 str [+246], 17 763/hit q7 [+240]
64 adrianhora » Legendary Force, 17 918 str [+310], 17 311/hit q7 [+293]
65 Guzganozaur » God of War, 16 431 str [+280], 16 915/hit q7 [+281]
66 Prigat Nectar » Legendary Force***, 16 273 str [+224], 16 506/hit q7 [+221]
67 Cruciabat » Legendary Force*, 16 437 str [+390], 16 164/hit q7 [+621]
68 yonutz » Legendary Force***, 15 438 str [+230], 15 679/hit q7 [+227]
69 smoky85 » World Class Force***, 16 161 str [+84], 15 402/hit q7 [+78]
70 TaieTot » God of War, 14 851 str [+151], 15 327/hit q7 [+378]
71 DeepSilence » Legendary Force, 15 776 str [+114], 15 286/hit q7 [+108]
72 Iain Keers » Legendary Force*, 15 296 str, 15 068/hit q7
73 Dianutza » Legendary Force, 15 386 str [+186], 14 918/hit q7 [+410]
74 Mimpos » God of War, 14 211 str [+226], 14 684/hit q7 [+443]
75 Simona Maierean » Legendary Force, 14 360 str, 13 948/hit q7
76 tm1980ro » Legendary Force*, 13 844 str [+180], 13 674/hit q7 [+383]
77 Philedium24 » World Class Force**, 13 951 str [+176], 13 132/hit q7 [+162]
78 hime » World Class Force*, 14 181 str [+225], 13 123/hit q7 [+203]
79 mitic » Legendary Force, 13 395 str [+198], 13 036/hit q7 [+186]
80 Si.roe » Legendary Force*, 13 159 str [+16], 13 016/hit q7 [+15]
81 Froind2 » World Class Force**, 13 663 str [+229], 12 868/hit q7 [+209]
82 Burebistalone » World Class Force***, 13 086 str [+176], 12 542/hit q7 [+164]
83 Gray Tabby » Legendary Force***, 12 140 str [+58], 12 415/hit q7 [+58]
84 urecheatu007 » Legendary Force*, 12 497 str [+229], 12 381/hit q7 [+410]
85 Flavius Aetius Honorius » World Class Force*, 12 619 str [+201], 11 717/hit q7 [+181]
86 radu.bogorin » World Class Force**, 12 139 str [+221], 11 474/hit q7 [+387]
87 TEOdesign » World Class Force***, 11 713 str [+172], 11 265/hit q7 [+160]
88 mirela daniela » World Class Force*, 11 943 str [+176], 11 108/hit q7 [+158]
89 cipri79 » World Class Force**, 11 730 str [+145], 11 099/hit q7 [+313]
90 GIgi Macelarul » National Force***, 12 248 str [+155], 11 004/hit q7 [+135]
91 leutul alb » Legendary Force, 10 958 str [+70], 10 733/hit q7 [+66]
92 ingph200 » World Class Force**, 11 154 str [+221], 10 572/hit q7 [+202]
93 Cosette » World Class Force*, 11 121 str [+105], 10 369/hit q7 [+95]
94 mariusblue » Legendary Force, 10 473 str [+151], 10 275/hit q7 [+143]
95 Arthas Alex » World Class Force**, 10 825 str [+70], 10 271/hit q7 [+231]
96 naki.re » World Class Force*, 10 980 str [+147], 10 242/hit q7 [+132]
97 Alter Dio » World Class Force**, 10 485 str, 9 960/hit q7
98 georgerusu79 » World Class Force*, 10 147 str [+176], 9 492/hit q7 [+158]
99 Heron Invictus » World Class Force, 9 104 str [+106], 8 411/hit q7 [+94]
100 Andreim01 » World Class Force, 9 012 str [+165], 8 330/hit q7 [+146]
101 xiforieni » World Class Force*, 8 271 str [+116], 7 804/hit q7 [+104]
102 florin22e » World Class Force, 7 551 str [+170], 7 037/hit q7 [+151]
103 Skillder » World Class Force*, 6 585 str [+143], 6 286/hit q7 [+128]
Division-III: Special Forces: 438 mil
104 buru » God of War, 30 352 str [+720], 30 906/hit q7 [+724]
105 Cristu » Legendary Force*, 29 509 str [+559], 28 713/hit q7 [+976]
106 Smeash » God of War, 26 881 str [+699], 27 418/hit q7 [+1 101]
107 Lucian1 » World Class Force**, 27 243 str [+575], 25 293/hit q7 [+526]
108 endotear » Legendary Force**, 25 246 str [+716], 25 005/hit q7 [+1 072]
109 carcotasuoro » Legendary Force, 24 745 str [+472], 23 762/hit q7 [+445]
110 DiCEyo » Legendary Force**, 23 603 str [+716], 23 403/hit q7 [+1 048]
111 five0ne » Legendary Force*, 22 668 str [+576], 22 145/hit q7 [+553]
112 mariusalin18 » Legendary Force, 22 303 str [+624], 21 454/hit q7 [+589]
113 VampireA » World Class Force***, 19 875 str [+650], 18 856/hit q7 [+605]
114 crina318 » World Class Force***, 19 661 str [+628], 18 657/hit q7 [+584]
115 SaiperRo » World Class Force**, 15 725 str [+384], 14 754/hit q7 [+351]
116 kally » World Class Force**, 13 748 str [+303], 12 946/hit q7 [+277]
117 Equinoxx » World Class Force, 14 154 str [+151], 12 880/hit q7 [+134]
118 b0gdan2003 » National Force***, 13 240 str [+445], 11 866/hit q7 [+387]
119 Retribute » World Class Force*, 12 721 str [+246], 11 809/hit q7 [+415]
120 AdiObi » World Class Force***, 11 917 str [+276], 11 455/hit q7 [+257]
121 raul bobes » National Force*, 12 570 str [+196], 10 895/hit q7 [+165]
122 Symbian » National Force*, 12 315 str [+89], 10 680/hit q7 [+74]
123 azemus » World Class Force, 11 515 str [+246], 10 545/hit q7 [+393]
124 Grigore Mark Georgian » National Force, 10 980 str [+89], 9 388/hit q7 [+73]
125 WeComeInPeace » World Class Force, 9 550 str [+691], 8 806/hit q7 [+750]
126 leoalex » National Force***, 9 656 str [+168], 8 748/hit q7 [+145]
127 The Uliu » National Force**, 9 619 str [+130], 8 567/hit q7 [+111]
128 tzatzyky 81 » National Force**, 9 298 str [+100], 8 291/hit q7 [+85]
129 cionutz1 » World Class Force, 8 961 str [+365], 8 284/hit q7 [+457]
130 IoanM » National Force**, 9 247 str [+59], 8 249/hit q7 [+51]
131 vladkas » National Force*, 9 355 str [+155], 8 194/hit q7 [+130]
132 imarianc » World Class Force, 8 836 str [+81], 8 174/hit q7 [+72]
133 AudImagini » National Force***, 8 992 str [+176], 8 171/hit q7 [+153]
134 Dreamer_KF » National Force***, 8 264 str [+70], 7 537/hit q7 [+61]
135 Furty » National Force***, 8 264 str [+272], 7 537/hit q7 [+236]
136 lNeoN » National Force**, 8 254 str [+122], 7 399/hit q7 [+104]
137 Georgiana79 » National Force***, 8 041 str [+176], 7 343/hit q7 [+277]
138 Deliric88 » National Force**, 8 031 str [+180], 7 208/hit q7 [+154]
139 Delinque » National Force, 8 300 str [+31], 7 177/hit q7 [+25]
140 z3uSS » National Force, 8 151 str [+82], 7 055/hit q7 [+68]
141 mio_eu » National Force*, 7 344 str [+189], 6 505/hit q7 [+158]
142 The Butterfly » National Force, 7 200 str [+166], 6 270/hit q7 [+137]
143 Octavian 21 » National Force***, 6 488 str [+70], 5 992/hit q7 [+163]
144 stefan1376 » National Force***, 6 200 str [+351], 5 742/hit q7 [+305]
145 nirolficescu » National Force**, 6 243 str [+100], 5 680/hit q7 [+86]
146 KevinKK » Supreme Marshal***, 6 378 str [+115], 5 490/hit q7 [+93]
147 rofox » National Force***, 5 729 str [+141], 5 332/hit q7 [+213]
148 Tetranychus » Supreme Marshal*, 5 819 str [+166], 4 851/hit q7 [+130]
149 discobolu » Supreme Marshal, 5 821 str [+71], 4 759/hit q7 [+147]
150 Veronica.Aleph » National Force**, 4 307 str, 4 024/hit q7
151 SoloLazio » National Force, 3 977 str [+176], 3 611/hit q7 [+146]
152 Nativio » Supreme Marshal*, 4 160 str, 3 557/hit q7
153 Catilin Silicson » Field Marshal*, 4 348 str [+14], 3 419/hit q7 [+10]
154 Jokus19 » Field Marshal**, 3 638 str [+116], 2 968/hit q7 [+85]
155 Eunice Petrova » Supreme Marshal***, 3 024 str [+109], 2 774/hit q7 [+89]
Division-II: Soldiers: 36 mil
156 Mihai Abrudan » Field Marshal***, 8 532 str [+244], 6 699/hit q7 [+313]
157 Cirstea Catalin » Supreme Marshal, 5 105 str [+151], 4 211/hit q7 [+196]
158 mariuselu10 » Field Marshal*, 5 094 str [+90], 3 956/hit q7 [+146]
159 iulydacul » Supreme Marshal**, 4 488 str [+191], 3 886/hit q7 [+223]
160 BaD.B0Y » Supreme Marshal**, 4 334 str [+191], 3 763/hit q7 [+220]
161 DanySpataru » Field Marshal**, 4 613 str [+109], 3 685/hit q7 [+154]
162 Dorella » Supreme Marshal**, 4 155 str [+80], 3 621/hit q7 [+63]
163 AlexFlower » General**, 4 056 str [+215], 3 007/hit q7 [+145]
164 MMCB » Supreme Marshal**, 3 150 str [+116], 2 822/hit q7 [+92]
165 Chymen » Field Marshal, 2 100 str [+155], 1 762/hit q7 [+109]
166 cipilitic » Supreme Marshal, 1 882 str [+106], 1 745/hit q7 [+81]
167 SeFir 95 » Colonel***, 2 328 str [+175], 1 719/hit q7 [+149]
168 mishuc » General**, 2 131 str [+44], 1 709/hit q7 [+67]
169 TurokAnap » General*, 1 888 str [+411], 1 510/hit q7 [+327]
170 Paval Petronel » Colonel***, 1 985 str [+43], 1 502/hit q7 [+27]
171 oliver890 » General***, 1 630 str [+59], 1 400/hit q7 [+40]
172 gabbyyii » General**, 1 565 str [+169], 1 326/hit q7 [+114]
173 alpha2005 » General, 1 563 str [+81], 1 266/hit q7 [+52]
174 Fenix Addargor » Lt Colonel***, 1 762 str [+95], 1 232/hit q7 [+54]
175 basucu » General*, 1 278 str [+66], 1 107/hit q7 [+43]
176 razalex » General, 1 250 str [+71], 1 064/hit q7 [+45]
177 Birghi » General*, 1 163 str [+95], 1 031/hit q7 [+84]
178 iasmindarius » Colonel***, 682 str [+145], 682/hit q7 [+106]
179 vasilica bostan » Colonel*, 704 str [+125], 662/hit q7 [+89]
180 Gotzisor » Colonel*, 573 str [+50], 584/hit q7 [+44]
181 Dzorbas » Lt Colonel*, 551 str [+109], 514/hit q7 [+59]
Division-I: National Guards: 2.7 mil
182 O L Y » Colonel**, 1 248 str [+226], 1 014/hit q7 [+203]
183 daliahme » Lt Colonel, 444 str [+75], 443/hit q7 [+385]

1 AAladin » Titan, +20149 xp, 1120 mil
2 Matracuca » God of War**, +1669 xp, 136 mil
3 buru » God of War, +2084 xp, 116 mil
4 diuras » God of War**, +3083 xp, 99.2 mil
5 The Troll Warlord » God of War**, +1879 xp, 96.3 mil
6 manasel » God of War**, +1953 xp, 92 mil
7 VeRU14 » God of War**, +1872 xp, 89.8 mil
8 paul_voiclis » God of War**, +1633 xp, 77 mil
9 Nica Florin Ionel » God of War*, +2112 xp, 76.4 mil
10 von dix » God of War*, +2415 xp, 74.2 mil
11 Bogdan Adamutz » God of War***, +1489 xp, 74.1 mil
12 alpho » God of War**, +1146 xp, 71.8 mil
13 LivFlo » God of War*, +1235 xp, 65.8 mil
14 stanyk » God of War*, +1847 xp, 64.8 mil
15 Dorin oZ » God of War*, +2004 xp, 61.7 mil
16 Petsku » God of War**, +1357 xp, 57.5 mil
17 gianimitrea » God of War**, +2251 xp, 54 mil
18 chandra » God of War**, +1036 xp, 53.9 mil
19 Marius Muntean » God of War*, +1561 xp, 51.7 mil
20 Dexter101 » God of War, +1466 xp, 46.6 mil
21 Alex Milotin » God of War*, +1287 xp, 42.8 mil
22 dragutin69 » God of War*, +1590 xp, 40.5 mil
23 ivictoras » God of War*, +1662 xp, 40.1 mil
24 Sisk » God of War, +1187 xp, 39.7 mil
25 rakuraka » God of War*, +1114 xp, 39 mil
26 Zam0lxe » God of War, +1372 xp, 38.4 mil
27 Nebunel » Legendary Force**, +1578 xp, 34.5 mil
28 xul0 » God of War**, +812 xp, 34 mil
29 Satanutz » God of War*, +877 xp, 32.6 mil
30 Kelstein » Legendary Force**, +1575 xp, 31.5 mil
31 giap » God of War, +1079 xp, 29.8 mil
32 Ucuitoru » God of War*, +1175 xp, 29.6 mil
33 cocowho » Legendary Force**, +1474 xp, 29.4 mil
34 VampireA » World Class Force***, +1247 xp, 29.1 mil
35 hoderaz » God of War, +1820 xp, 29 mil
36 Smeash » God of War, +1098 xp, 27.1 mil
37 Cruciabat » Legendary Force*, +1882 xp, 26.9 mil
38 endotear » Legendary Force**, +1273 xp, 26.8 mil
39 Slider » God of War*, +1536 xp, 26.5 mil
40 Floricalee » God of War, +1506 xp, 25.5 mil
41 Pripasu Flavius » God of War, +1098 xp, 22.8 mil
42 five0ne » Legendary Force*, +1029 xp, 20.8 mil
43 demo-bt-ro » God of War, +1504 xp, 20.8 mil
44 Guzganozaur » God of War, +1965 xp, 19.7 mil
45 crina318 » World Class Force***, +1236 xp, 19.6 mil
46 MAXXX » Legendary Force***, +1328 xp, 19.4 mil
47 ckrisstian » God of War, +2066 xp, 18.9 mil
48 MihaiD » God of War*, +961 xp, 18.8 mil
49 Soimu Patriei » God of War*, +453 xp, 17.8 mil
50 Cristu » Legendary Force*, +602 xp, 17.7 mil
51 AlexZoar » Legendary Force***, +846 xp, 17.5 mil
52 sparky84 » God of War, +907 xp, 17.2 mil
53 Kidu » God of War*, +749 xp, 16 mil
54 Impressio HT » God of War, +696 xp, 14.5 mil
55 mitic » Legendary Force, +1270 xp, 14.1 mil
56 marcs » God of War, +1035 xp, 14.1 mil
57 yonutz » Legendary Force***, +1395 xp, 12.8 mil
58 lexblue » Legendary Force, +769 xp, 12.3 mil
59 TaieTot » God of War, +1495 xp, 12.1 mil
60 Magu » Legendary Force**, +1121 xp, 12 mil
61 Soim » Legendary Force***, +731 xp, 11.8 mil
62 geoap » Legendary Force***, +848 xp, 11.6 mil
63 amorroxic » Legendary Force***, +1129 xp, 11.6 mil
64 Hatori » Legendary Force*, +958 xp, 11.2 mil
65 kally » World Class Force**, +1055 xp, 11 mil
66 mariusalin18 » Legendary Force, +669 xp, 10.8 mil
67 DiCEyo » Legendary Force**, +590 xp, 10.6 mil
68 Dianutza » Legendary Force, +851 xp, 10.2 mil
69 aniujual » God of War, +719 xp, 10.1 mil
70 Mimpos » God of War, +929 xp, 10.1 mil
71 WeComeInPeace » World Class Force, +1088 xp, 10 mil
72 Retribute » World Class Force*, +778 xp, 9.5 mil
73 Crista22 » God of War, +383 xp, 9.5 mil
74 urecheatu007 » Legendary Force*, +990 xp, 9.4 mil
75 tm1980ro » Legendary Force*, +798 xp, 9.3 mil

Top 10 Plato's Children (Activity: xp, strength gained, influence)
1 AAladin » +20 149 exp, +816 str, 1120 mil dmg
2 diuras » +3 083 exp, +716 str, 99.2 mil dmg
3 Iain Keers » +2 942 exp
4 von dix » +2 415 exp, +436 str, 74.2 mil dmg
5 gianimitrea » +2 251 exp, +720 str, 54 mil dmg
6 Nica Florin Ionel » +2 112 exp, +645 str, 76.4 mil dmg
7 buru » +2 084 exp, +720 str, 116 mil dmg
8 ckrisstian » +2 066 exp, +720 str, 18.9 mil dmg
9 Dorin oZ » +2 004 exp, +670 str, 61.7 mil dmg
10 Guzganozaur » +1 965 exp, +280 str, 19.7 mil dmg

We had 177/195 (90.77😵 active fighters, who made 4 062 616 150 influence.
Avg strength: 17 928
Avg dph: 17 859