[Presidential Campaign] Economic Planing and Fund Allocation Road Map

Day 866, 13:57 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness

Wellness Support
We will actively Carry out Wellness maintaining Program. For the Individuals who will work for Pakistani Companies and are Pakistani Citizens. These Individuals will be given Q3 For a fix amount of Period to get their wellness up. Also government will be offering cheap houses. We are currently offering Cheap Q1 Housing and we will soon be leveling up to offer Cheap higher level houses. But inorder to accomplish that we need to get citizen's contructions skills up. My target will be to get more skilled contruction workers so that pakistan can be independent in making houses of Q5 and higher skills. Wellness Support fund will have approximately 30 -60 Gold Allocated for it.

Government Fund For Businesses
Business support fund is to support local business maintain good wage rate and low prices. As President of Pakistan I will be picking companies form each sector (food, moving tickets, gifts etc) and will be providing it a fund of 5 to15 Gold (approx- not final figure) if the company has successfully kept the wages and Prices at government given figures for a period of 15 - 30 days.

Please note that Government will be monitoring these eligible companies on daily basis and will be talking Screen Shots of their wages

Monetary Market Targets
My Target will be increase the value of Pakistan Currency against gold. This will help our citizens to have cheaper expenditure on their foreign trips outside of Pakistan. My aim would be to bring PKR Rate against gold to 1Gold = 45 PKR

Target To Create 200 Gold Reserves For MPP & Training Wars
I will be establishing a Fixed Reserve fund for MPPs and Training Wars. I will be collecting 200 Gold for this fund during my term and this fund will act as reserve and will be used whenever needed to fund our MPP and Training Wars. I also enjoy very good relations Indonesian MoFA and my aim would be to get pakistan protected against any extrenal threats.

Target To Create 150 Gold Reserves for Military Funding
My Targert will be to bring about 150 Gold in to Military Fund for funding our soldiers in Training wars and wars with weapons and other health stuff so that they can be trained and promoted to higher ranks. This 150 Gold will be divided Among the 5 Corps as mentioned in my Military Plan