[PRES] PRESSident Release

Day 872, 02:36 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Arya Gunawan
To Polan😛
In behalf of eIndonesia, i want to give my deepest condolences for the tragedy that happened to ur president IRL.. regardless of our alliance, position, or problem, it's our job to wish him and the other passengers of the plane that they may have the best place on His side.. Rest In Peace, Mr. Kachinski..

To Xavier Griffith and Patti11:
We're having a good time last night, rite? Let's snap back to reality 🙂 May the best men win the battle 🙂

To Wonder Forwar😛
happy with those aborigins?? I know u dont.. dd1al me to get better la1dd.. I'll pick u up as soon as u agree with my offer 😉

To BiA and PHX:
We can win this 😉 Show them hell!! let's Rape Aussie \o/

To Kakek Genit and Ruisya:
Selamat yah \o/ Moga2 langgeng!! Bulan madunya di WA aja yah 🙂

To Jajaran Mentri bulan April 2010:
Undangan rapat dari congres di #ruangkongres besok malem jam 20:00WIB Klo ga bisa dateng, confirm yah 🙂

To Kongres eI:
klo ada proposal peace dr Aussie, d tahan dlu voteny yah.. kita lyat hasil akhir perang ini, baru dibahas option yang terbaik bwat eIndonesia 🙂

Masuk MaKo masing2 yah..
jangan silat!!

To Rakyat eIndonesia:
Meh, gw ga usah ngomong apa2 kayaknya..
Kalian semua taw yg mana yang harus di toel..
ada 3 pilihan bwat perang: WA, trus Australia Barat,, ato Western Australia..
Yang manapun yg kalian pilih, pake senjata terbaik kalian..
non-ABeRI join #logistik-rakyat bwat dapet weapon gratis..

Btw, pada nonton show tanking td sblum ganti hari??
bwat yg ga nonton, berdoa aja..
moga2 besok ada lagi :3

thx for ur attention..
There's no time to be afraid..
If we win this battle,, It doesnt even matter 🙂

Best Regards,

Arya Gunawan
Presiden eIndonesia