[PoP] The Daddy of All Speeches

Day 1,870, 17:08 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

My Fellow Pakistani's,

I have been quiet, enjoying Christmas and New Years and getting back into the work routine.

A lot has happened in eRepublik over the last few days but before I give a round-up of the latest, let me update you on the domestic developments.

Sparkfyre the first time, star MoFa has unexpectedly become busy, she had the courtesy of letting me know in advance and even though it was difficult for her to come on, she still managed to send a few messages to ensure that all is will in the MoFA Department. She insisted on me replacing her but I refused as there were only a few days left and to be quite frank, there is no one as awesome as her. So for the time being, I am acting MoFa.

Presidential elections are up, this time round Democratic Party of Pakistan decided not to put up a candidate but to endorse Dio Eraclea.

Eraclea has been an active Pakistani citizen not just in administrative affairs but on the battlefield having done about 550 million damage for ePakistan with his highest ever of 200m in the battle to free Sindh. He's been helpful, guides new players and is active on IRC. From all the dioists, Dio Eraclea is an excellent choice to become Country President of ePakistan.

This will also be his first time as Country President anywhere and the Democratic Party of Pakistan will extend full support to him and his cabinet.

Raao recently left Democratic Party of Pakistan to join and head National Patriots Party. For those who are expecting a new political war to start, sorry to disappoint you. I have an excellent relationship with raao and we share the same vision for ePakistan.

Raao also recently handed over Pakistan Army to me, which will be returned back to raao shortly as soon as the bug is fixed. I personally think that all new players who join ePakistan should join Pakistan Army. I will be creating a new military unit for more senior players and daily fighters but that is to come at a later date. The idea is to organize Division 2 and upwards into a new Military Unit whilst leaving Division 1 players in Pakistan Army to be trained before they migrate.

There are many who complain about Daily Orders not being set properly or lack of organization within the Military Unit but due to sporadic activity of soldiers it becomes hard to organize efficiently. My advise to those captains who become inactive soon after winning captain elections, is please stop running. You ruin the game for everyone.

Unfortunately Raao isn't a politician so he does his work quietly and doesn't shout or boast too much about it. I have advised him on several occasions to be louder but he is a humble and patriotic person and doesn't wish to step in the lime light. Not many of you know this but on numerous occasions its his humble approach that has kept this country united.

Our population has dwindled with many multi accounts being banned and citizens who signed up but never really played hence they are "dead".
Efforts to recruit new players is under way by numerous individuals but I again remind citizens of ePakistan that growing our population is a collective effort.

National Supplies have been deployed for almost two months now, some people have had delays in receiving supplies but overall the program has been successful. The next step in this area would to increase supplies for those soldiers who fight on a daily basis. Minister of Defence aka the MoD has been spearheading this effort with donations from key individuals. Do note that as the national income is very low, these supplies are run on the donations of kind individuals.

The website has been down for quite some time, but a splash page has been setup primarily to redirect users towards the game. The forums have been reimplemented for the 4th time within a year and after the next elections I will focus on organizing them.

The forums are important for those who are involved in the government and is more convenient to use for organizational purposes. There are spies amongst us who report back to enemy nations and the best way to keep our tactics and strategies private is to use a secure form of communication.

If you haven't signed up, you must do so immediately on http://www.epakistan.org/forums .

Congress members need to become more active and regularly meet on IRC and discuss laws in the forum threads. A number of congressmen donated their 5 gold towards State Bank of ePakistan, this was a noble initiative and has helped keep national supplies up and running and help in signing more MPPs.

Resistance War efforts have failed, fighting China is much harder than it looks and as I said before many times, we need ally support to win our regions back and the only way we will get ally support is if we are useful to our allies. If we do not bleed green for them, they will not bleed green for us. It's as simple as that.

On an international front, Indonesia lost against Croatia in India. India left GEA and is now an enemy of EDEN. Thailand invaded Southern India and Serbia and Bulgaria are on the move in the Middle East.
Iran has managed to secure all its regions during this full scale assault by CoT and TWO and proposed a region swap with us which I politely declined.

As a final conclusion, invite your friends, we need more players. It is the answer to many of our problems.

It was a pleasure being Country President of Pakistan, I hope to run again in the future but as my friend Shin Gouki put it, a President's term should be capped at two consecutive months. Hence my decision to not run for now.

Becoming a Country President isn't hard and I wish more people would be interested in doing this. I have tried to lead not by political statements but by example. There has been occasional criticism but the last two months have been very smooth.

For those who have just joined the game, it isn't impossible. You must forge good relationships with key players in Pakistan and expand your network internationally. The best way to get involved with the government is to join the ambassadorship program.

For now I sign-out, you can find me on our chat channel or you can send me a message in-game. Remember on election day join TheJakal and the Democratic Party of Pakistan and vote for Dio Eraclea.

Kind Regards

Country President of Pakistan

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