[PoP] New Minister of Defence

Day 1,817, 15:39 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

My Fellow Pakistani's,

I had previously appointed Strywgr as Minister of Defence but that didn't turn out too tell. Strywgr prefers to spend most of his time on the battlefield and less in the office. Hence after a discussion with Strywgr it was decided a new MoD would be placed.

That new MoD is Annihilator10 who has moved back from the US to honour his duties to ePakistan. He has many ideas one of which is to ensure our damage is more useful to our allies.

Annihilator10 has been in a Country President in the past, congressmen and Ministry of Defence numerous times so his experience in managing the countries defences is unquestionable.

Please welcome him on board.

President of Democratic Party of Pakistan
Country President of Pakistan

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