[PoP] National Organizations

Day 1,815, 16:03 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

My Fellow Pakistani's,

It is with great regret and disappointment that I have to inform you that State Bank of ePakistan has been robbed.



The two people who had access to this organization were aovelhangera and dodial .

Dodial has denied taking the money and claimed that he was the only authorised person to access the State Bank of ePakistan.

Aovelhangera has already moved money in the past from State Bank of ePakistan at his own discretion and thinks this is a joke.

Bottom line is that I have already requested a change in password for some of the organizations namely:

http://economy.erepublik.com/en/accounts/1922889 GHQ Pakistan
http://economy.erepublik.com/en/accounts/2956948 State Bank of Pakistan
http://economy.erepublik.com/en/accounts/3148144 Defence Housing Authority
http://economy.erepublik.com/en/accounts/4087018 Pak Ministry of Social Affairs
http://economy.erepublik.com/en/accounts/4117095 SSG Arsenal
http://economy.erepublik.com/en/accounts/4189411 Holy Empire MoFa

State Bank of Pakistan is now under government control and St0l3n1 and myself have access to it.

GHQ Pakistan is under Strywgr and Holy Empire MoFA is under Alexander_Auctoritas
The remain organizations remain under my control.

PKR 12,392 was transferred from GHQ Pakistan to State Bank of ePakistan and 5 gold was used to change the name of that organization to GHQ Pakistan and another 2 gold used to create a newspaper.

These are the remain organizations that are still not under government control and I have requested a password change on them ASAP with the exception of Kualkerr's Lair

http://economy.erepublik.com/en/accounts/3507727 Pakistani Armed Forces
http://economy.erepublik.com/en/accounts/3590673 PAF Storage 1

http://economy.erepublik.com/en/accounts/3639757 PAF Storage 2
http://economy.erepublik.com/en/accounts/4096548 Kualkerr's Lair

http://economy.erepublik.com/en/accounts/4117149 SSG Rations

This was to update you on the latest developments.

I will be asking dodial on behalf of congress and the nation full logs of the treasury and state bank of epakistan as he claims he is the official appointed treasurer.

Kind Regards

President of Democratic Party of Pakistan
Country President of Pakistan

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