[PoP] Impeachment - All is fair in love and war

Day 1,853, 13:55 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

My Fellow Pakistani's,
Honourable Congressmen,
Honourable Country Presidents,

For 457 days, Pakistan has been occupied by China without a single attempt to free it. For 457 Pakistani citizens have swallowed their pride and respected the Non Aggression Pact with China. For 457 we have been living like zombies.

With 4 months of discussions with Chinese officials, we have not made any progress on any subject. Instead we get reminded constantly how kind China is by letting us keep Baluchistan and how kind they are in not taking us over.

I heard rumours that DIO is rising at the western hemisphere and making his way towards Pakistan. I hear the calls of my young soldiers questioning my decisions in keeping our NAP intact with China.

I feel the pain, when China stood by and allowed Iran to attack to us under the disguise of a training war.

We kicked them out.

I fought against the forces of Uruguay when they airlifted their troops into Pakistan on orders of EDEN HQ and attacked our women and children, destroying everything in their path.

We kicked them out.

I stood by shocked when China signed the agreement to attack Baluchistan at the request of Iran. I asked for clarification, explanation, not understanding that after 457 days of being compliant, why this sudden act of aggression and betrayal.

I finally understood, EDEN has no soul, its an army of greedy, selfish dishonourable people. They are a disease and like every disease they must be exterminated.

So if you are among the weak in Pakistan and think we should preserve our NAP and remain the slaves of China, than contact your congressman and impeach me but if you are a son of the soil, son of the sands, than contact every single non-EDEN country in the world and tell them to come fight with us for today is the beginning of a new era, its the beginning of our freedom, no longer will we be slaves, but we will be free to fight, to defend our homeland and to eradicate the disease which is called EDEN.

Shout this article, vote this article, print it out, email it, put it on your forums, for the Holy Empire of Pakistan did it once and can damn well do it again.




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