[PoP] Freedom of Balochistan

Day 1,814, 16:00 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

My Fellow Pakistani's

Who would have thought that article writing is this hard. Sadly our MoD Strywgr prefers to spend more time on the battle field than in the office. Hence the responsibility of communicating to you falls on my for now, till either he is replaced or he finds himself a Deputy.

As you are all aware, prior to my becoming Country President, we negotiated a deal with China where we will Natural Enemy China so that citizens of Pakistan can complete their missions. Some of you missed the time slot however you had about 50 hours to do so.

The deal was that we will NE China, attack Sistan & Balochistan, after which China will attack Balochistan. Once that cycle was complete Pakistan will than start a resistance war in Balochistan.

The first resistance war we started, we lost. Chinese Country President had instructed his forces to not fight for China and to fight for Balochistan but many Chinese soldiers were bitter over us allowing Serbia to pass and hence refuted the order. The Chinese CP along with other Chinese forces fought for Pakistan and many didn't fight against Baluchistan.

At this point it was clear that Pakistan needs to stand up on its own two feet and fight for its freedom. We made a deal and the Chinese honoured it, we could have waited like a little child waiting for freedom but we took the initiative and fought.

The second resistance war was of epic proportions. Many citizens of Pakistan put on their fighting caps and unleashed all fury. Many BH were won, I will ask the MoD to compile a list of the heroes in battle.

In order to ensure victory, Pakistan government distributed a small amount of supplies and bought damage from Lazokrats. In total we spent:

884 Q7 Tanks
75 Gold

This figure does not include the personal damage many soldiers did and for that the country is grateful and in your debt. It is notable to mention that one individual who probably no on expected to help out spent some hour(s) supplying to mercenaries: Ishamael Naeblis. Yes folks, he helped out.

Bottom line is we fought back, we won and we are free again. The road forward is tough, we have many internal issues that need to be addressed and there is a lot of organization to do.

For now I am signing out, I will keep you posted on further developments and will instruct my ministers to regularly update you on current events in Pakistan.

Thank you

Kind Regards

President of Democratic Party of Pakistan
Country President of Pakistan

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