[Pakistan Armed Forces] Air Squad Training & Briefing Updates. Day 1,010

Day 1,010, 03:46 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness
To: Members of Rapid Forces Division & Air Squad
Subject: Training Guidelines for Air Squad
Date: Day 1,010 August 26th 2010

All Soldiers of Air Squad (Shaheens) are requested to follow the following guidelines:

** Train 12 hours a day everyday with 10% Booster for next 3 days**

** Orientation Meeting of Pakistan Armed Forces and it's Structure on Saturday 11:30 pm (Pakistan Time) 11:30 AM (eRepublik Time) **

** Basic War Games Commence on Sunday(time will be announced). Basic Weapons will be provided (Q1). Objective of these games will be to make new players familiar with wars**

** Startegy Making and Open Discussions army related on IRC every Saturday in #ePak-army**

Air Squad is Part of Pakistan Army's Rapid Forces Division. Contact me if you want to command three remaining squads of Rapid Forces Division.


Ahsan Shahbaz
General of Rapid Forces Division
Commander of Air Squad (RPD)
Pakistan Armed Forces