{Nifty} The Philosophy of Nifty

Day 2,847, 02:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Frixios of the Clyde

Welcome to ye olde theatre.

The "Nifty" has been banded about a lot these days.

A statement about the human brain, an exclamation of cool or an expression of deep rooted love for anal pain. These are all meanings of Nifty in the past days of yore.

Here is something else for you to think about:

"To Nift is to be"

If one is not nifty, are they truly a person? If someone doesn't have an inch of nifty can we treat them like we treat ourselves?

Another thing to think about:

"Nifty Brother is always watching"

To put it lightly, as discussed in the last statement, many people who aren't nifty aren't human. So the overseeing eye of King Woldy the Nifty must make sure no un-nifty aliens are here to attack the eNUK (Nifty UK).

Nifty is the word that means to be a person whom lives, drink and fornicates for the realm of nifty.

A vast social cleansing project will need to take place. Nifty must reign supreme, it must be treated top of it.

Thank you,

Frixios of the Clyde,
To be appointed Nifty Lord of the Clyde

Please donate to charity of Nifty, to either me or to the eNUK