[MWC] Road to Power Issue 2

Day 2,041, 19:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus

Issue 2: Road To Power

It’s always incredibly difficult to make recruitment/congress/PP/CP articles/applications/manifestos
It is difficult to make yours stand out for other peoples I have only seen a couple I liked. They normally might as well be copied and pasted from the last recruitment/congress/PP/CP article/application/manifesto

So lets try a totally honest recruitment and congress application article

Join TUP!

This month I would like to get into congress and this is being based on recruitment figures and activity (activity I excel at (no life)).

So I only need to improve those recruitment figures so if you’re not busy could you join TUP for me and then send me a in game message telling me that’s what you have done. I must stress this is purely for personal gain on my part and if you’re not running for congress yourself and you’re not a PP or holding a position of power (and you like me
Then why not move across. Again please make sure you message me telling me what you’ve done I get nothing if I can’t should about my recruiting skills from the rooftops

I reckon I should be in congress because

1.I use on average 2250 energy per day this is averaged over the last month and doesn’t include energy bars (if you include them I’m over 2400) (NO LIFE)

2. I did stuff you asked me to (no I don’t mean the sexual favours I mean the recruitment & this article)

Signed MWC

Oh could you also vote this article for me (yer I know I’m a greedy bugger)

Bonus pics