[MWC] Prizes and Hope

Day 2,388, 08:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus

At eRepublik HQ

‘Lets hope they forget all that gold we promised them’

Anyway e-Joke Day 3 [Plato Strikes Back] prizes

Most of these will be paid after i get my bloody gold from the compo

Most prolific poster/spammer of the day
Reward 2,000 Q1 weapons (supplied to me by the Llama)

And VERY GOOD JOKES all receiving 3 gold (when i get my fecking gold)

ALICE -So, I was tickling my little brother's feet when mum wakes up and starts giving me a right earful.

Something about "Waiting until he's born".
ALICE- Hey little boy, fancy a glass of water?

Paedophiles have it so much easier in Africa.
F&P What do spinach and anal sex have in common? If you were forced to have it as a kid, you'll hate it as an adult.

- 6 gold

- 3 gold

4th - 5 gold (when i get my blooming money)

SAMBO-Why did the capacitor kiss the diode? He just couldn't resistor.

- 5 gold

3rd place - 7.5 gold (when this money appears)

CHAZ-I was asked at a job interview: "What's your pet hate?"

"Well he hates it when I stick crayons up his arse’

Wasn't what they meant 🙁

- 7.5 gold

2nd - 10 gold (when this foretold money lands in my gaping pockets where i used to keep my internal organs)

CC-I went out and bought FIFA recently... It's great being the president of Qatar.

- 10 gold

Winner - 10 gold + 200 Q7 weapons + 200 Q7 food + 20 Q5 moving tickets + a big sloppy kiss from Queen Butjam ( when my money arrives, like seriously where’s my money i spent a lot if your sh*tty servers can’t handle how fabulous i am it’s not my fault gibs the money)

MARKTD-You know, I thought I saw your name on a loaf of bread today but when I looked again, it said 'Thick Cut'

- 10 gold + 200 Q7 weapons + 200 Q7 food + 20 Q5 moving tickets + a big sloppy kiss from Queen Butjam

The kiss you can redeem anytime 🙂

bonus pics

Tic tac vote that 😁😁
Big mouth shout that <<<<<
Love you long time sub that >>>>>>
PAY MWC HIS MONEY comment that \/\/\/\/