[MWC] MPPPBT-The Real Spamicans

Day 2,032, 12:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus

Today the bus stopped at….

So first my round up the real spamicans have been around a long time they’ve gone through mergers seen parties come and go and what is left is now really a shell of its former glory but still holds to its former principals; this is a game and should be treat as such and the real spamicans is no place for serious politics. When I first joined The Real Spamicans I did so because I was sick of the troll warfare going on in eUK politics whenever I would release an article it would be trolled by the other side that I expected but I saw good articles released by the other side trolled by my side. That I could not tolerate, the pointless name calling and just antagonisation between the partys at the top so I joined the political asylum that is The Real Spamicans and I was much happier. Nowadays I feel there are 2 parties filling this role as a place where you can sit back and actually enjoy the game and The Real Spamicans is one of them (granted the less active of the 2).

Time for a Testimonial

Why did the spamican cross the road?

This really says it all.

Interview Time
With the great man himself Horice G Fossil

You’re a spamican so your questions will be extra hard
1.Can you describe you party The Real Spamicans in 101 words or less using the words ‘jenga’ ‘haemorrhoids’ and ‘snake’ at least once please?

H-What can I say, jenga..err.. I mean, how can I encapsulate in mere words the enigma that is The Real Spamicans? I will, if I may, explain TRS through the medium of interpretative dance…
http://youtu.be/7TsRdkrxl4g I think you agree that even with raging haemorrhoids I still have snake hips!

2. Rumour has it that you’re Goku’s farther is this true and which other in game profiles have you given birth to?

H – Well what can I tell you, I’m usually very careful but I won this weekend for two with Meghan and mixed up my peanut butter and jelly flask with the one containing the Oban single malt. All I’ll say is that I couldn’t sit down for a fortnight, and the Co-op have banned me from all their premises worldwide. Nine month later Goku pops up, and much like the weekend he’s been a real pain in the arse ever since!

3. I would describe Spamicans as a political asylum for the players driven politically insane so can I get a fribble fooble fobles and a shot of penicillin please?

H - This is an example of the sort of abuse we get all the time from ignorant people. I inherited this party from my father, an ex-used-car salesman and part-time window-box, and I am very proud to be in charge of The Real Spamicans. I get a luxury tea-trolley with every new member. In addition to this all members are entered into a weekly draw where they can win a three-piece lounge suite, this luxury caravan, a weekend for two with Meghan! (Penicillin is highly recommended after a weekend with Meghan!)

4. What hobbies does the great Horice G Fossil have?

H – As I mention below, I’m a keen amateur gynaecologist. I also enjoy lying face down outside public houses and eating kebabs while wearing mittens.

5. What the harry does the G stand for in Horice G Fossil?

H – ‘Gynaecologist’ I’m not a professional, but I’ll take a look!

I need a new t-shirt too

6. What beverage does Horice put into his hip flask?

H - Only ever Oban single malt in my left pocket, and peanut butter and jelly milkshake in the right.

7. What happened the last time you were awake at 4am?

H- I’m afraid I can’t discuss that as its still part of an on-going criminal investigation.

8. The Spamicans have a long and winding history and during that history must have touched the lives of many many people so my question is what balloon animal type shape would you like me to craft this balloon into?

H - The ‘EVIL’ Keers left testicle (which strangely enough looks just like a hermit crab holding a coat hanger).

In conclusion I’m giving The Real Spamicans

Bonus Pics

I’d like that very much thanks