Day 2,040, 11:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus

Today the bus stopped at…

Yes today I’m looking at SKA so first my summary…

SKA is a very new party started by cptchazbeard but they mean business it is not a joke party they have serious political ambition but would also like to have fun while they do it. My thoughts are that SKA could become a major player in eUK politics if we compare them to IA who had the same have fun be successful outlook who within a few months climbed all the way to 6th. Both parties have the having fun aspect and both have a prominent figurehead player or players (hugh and klurr IA) (cptchazbeard SKA) if the formula remains the same; have fun, be successful and look at our figurehead. I expect big things from SKA

Time for Testimonials
So why is being in SKA awesome?

Interview Time
I have on 2 previous occasions interviewed Chaz and thankfully this time like the previous 2 he was very very drunk.

1.Can you describe SKA in 59 words or less using the word ‘anal’ at least once please?

1.The SKA party is aiming to become an ANALgesia of politics. Our 'theme' of Ska music represents exactly what this party is and should be; at times serious, at times enlightening but always with a hint of mischief and fun.

2.SKA has a history of buggery did you instigate this and does this practise continue?

2. No I bloody well did not! I was buggered regularly when I arrived in the game and was repeatedly informed by 'senior players'* that this was a rite of passage; so I just grinned and took it.
After learning that they were just raping me I took my revenge out by in turn buggering other players....it's now sort of become the done thing among Skatalites.
So yes it does continue but no I can't be held responsible.

*names removed due to an ongoing investigation

3.SKA has been described as insane, obscure and even sexy how would you respond to this description?

3. Well it's a common misconception that we're insane, we're actually just very stupid.
Now obscure it's hard to know if they mean we're ambiguous or unnoticeable: either way they can go feck emselves.
As for sexy; obviously compared to the other dross out there we positively ooze sex appeal.

4. [Serious] Does SKA have political ambition?

4. I think the 'Constitution' published when the party was founded clearly says we're not just some joke party.
As for ambition in particular however; I believe this should be a natural progression going forwards as we develop ideas. If I started ranting 'we're doing this and that' then it becomes my plaything and not what it should be.
Alternatively if we all united and starting chanting 'We're here, we're queer, and we're gonna start a revolution' then we'll soon find ourselves running into the grey, damp, brick wall of srs bsns politics and soon die out.
The only real focus at this present time is to be relaxed in the game and enjoy the bloody thing.

5. I have a fighting porcupine (called steven) have you got a small rodent I can get little Steven to fight?

5. The Skatalites are full of rodents so take your pick. Doesn't matter if they die, the members mean jack shit to me. Bunch of work shy fops.

6. SKA was named after a type of music, so when did your taste in music start to suck so bad?

6. Probably around the time I started banging your Mum. eh! EH?!
You'll be please to hear though that the sagacious raconteur, Alphabethis, is in agreement with you that Ska sucks.
The fact that you both suggest it sucks only intensifies my belief that is actually fecking awesome and I can't be doing with such brazenly hostile and puerile questions.

So feck you, I'm oot!

Time for MWC’s Official Party Rating; I give SKA

Bonus Pics

This will be my last MPPPBT for a while it's been fun getting to know you all. I have a new idea for a an article series and my PP's MWC is watching you will continue as will road to power