[MWC] June 13 full term PP review

Day 2,033, 13:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus

Warning this article is statistics heavy if you’re just here for the pictures start scrolling….

Welcome to my round up of how each party did this month in terms of membership
Firstly a clarification
This month the total number of players in top parties went from 1124 to 967 a 13.96% loss
So actual change may be –6% but if you factor in what happened on average they did 7.96% better than the average so did well this month I shall be quoting both figures for each party
In this example
Actual change = -6%
Modified change = +7.96%

In order of current size

Party name: New Era
PP electe😛 BigAnt
PP now: BigAnt
Membership at start: 277
Membership at en😛 251
Actual change: -9.4%
Modified change: +4.6%
MWC’s Notes: An OK term

Party name: TUP
PP electe😛 Bohemond4
PP now: Bohemond4
Membership at start: 231
Membership at en😛 213
Actual change: -7.8%
Modified change: +6.2%
MWC’s Notes: a good term

Party name: UKRP
PP electe😛 LongShotzZ
PP now: LongShotzZ
Membership at start: 99
Membership at en😛 96
Actual change: -3%
Modified change: +10.9%
MWC’s Notes: a good term I hear there was some very bad infighting though leading to very key members leaving

Party name: UKPP
PP electe😛 Richard Feist
PP now: Richard Feist
Membership at start: 79
Membership at en😛 69
Actual change: -12.7%
Modified change: +1.3%
MWC’s Notes: an ok term

Party name: ESO
PP electe😛 Prof. J Moriarty
PP now: Prof. J Moriarty
Membership at start: 79
Membership at en😛 67
Actual change: -15.2%
Modified change: -1.2%
MWC’s Notes: an ok term

Party name: WRP
PP electe😛 Jamie2721
PP now: Jamie2721
Membership at start: 79
Membership at en😛 63
Actual change: -20.3%
Modified change: -6.3%
MWC’s Notes: slightly sub par

Party name: PCP
PP electe😛 Commandante Ross
PP now: Commandante Ross
Membership at start: 58
Membership at en😛 52
Actual change: -10.3%
Modified change: +3.6%
MWC’s Notes an ok term although the loss of notable member Niko Jones cannot be understated

Party name: Freemasons
PP electe😛 Sir Winston S Churchill
PP now: Sir Winston S Churchill
Membership at start: 47
Membership at en😛 50
Actual change: +6.4%
Modified change: +20.4%
MWC’s Notes: one of only 2 parties to gain this month they done good

Party name: IA
PP electe😛 Leo Balzac
PP now: Qaise
Membership at start: 58
Membership at en😛 34
Actual change: -41.4%
Modified change: -27.4%
MWC’s Notes: loss of Hugh and Klurr from the game hurt them badly

Party name: The Round Table
PP electe😛 Sir Nick Griffin
PP now: Sir Nick Griffin
Membership at start: 28
Membership at en😛 21
Actual change: -25%
Modified change: -11%
MWC’s Notes: apathy may have set in not a great term

Party name: OV
PP electe😛 Fritz179
PP now: Alfagrem
Membership at start: 51
Membership at en😛 15
Actual change: -70.6%
Modified change: -56.6%
MWC’s Notes: exodus to Aus good luck over there guys


Party name: SKA
PP electe😛 NONE
PP now: CptChazbeard
Membership at start: 0 (use 1 for my stats)
Membership at en😛 10
Actual change: +900%
Modified change: +914%
MWC’s Notes: one of 2 parties to gain members this month a good PP term

Party name: GBDP
PP electe😛 Bob Bloggs
PP now: CheetahCurtis
Membership at start: 15
Membership at en😛 5
Actual change: -66.6%
Modified change: -52.7%
MWC’s Notes: disaster lets hope Sekula (and cheetah if he want to) can turn it round I will be stopping recording their membership numbers while they’re below 10 members

Bonus pics