[MWC] July mid term review

Day 2,079, 06:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus

yer 3 serious article in a row and 4 in 48 hours…… yer ok last one for a bit

well it’s only been 15 days but that’s a long time in eRep

Good Term
Whatever you think of Bigant 0 to 63 in less than 15 days is pretty impressive
UKPP went up by 20 members gaining 30% more members good work FragUK (fraggy fraggles)
And freemasons gained 15 members to gain 20.5%

Bad Term
WRP have gone from 52 to 36 a contraction of 30%
New Era have gone from 232 to 211 a loss of 9% of their membership

Good Congress
Ska did awesome again with 1 congressman for 10 members
TUP made 13 from 213 a very very good total (16.38 members per congressman)
With UKRP ever so slightly behind with 5 for 82 (16.4 members per congressman)
Also a shout out to UKPP who did almost as well as TUP and UKRP and I suspect would have beaten them without their SKA runner (congress would be a much duller place though)

Bad Congress
PCP got 1 for 70 and ESO got 1 for 64 both had extenuating circumstances though
RDP cannot be included here due to the shear time they had to actually prepare and the amount they’ve grown in the last few days

Bonus pics