[MWC] DANTE interview

Day 2,061, 16:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus

I recently interviewed dante643 because I’m quite a fan of his newspaper enjoy…

1.I left some crisps under my bed and the mould grew and it seems to have evolved into intelligent life should I make friends with these crispmen and what affect do you think the fact the packet was cheese and onion flavor will have on the society

1.Of course not, the crispmen could have a hidden agenda and try an usher in a new era and every new era must be fought against with tooth and nails, especially nails, for after all is that not what being human means, to destroy others chance of effecting society.

2. Why do you write articles? What motivates you?

2. I write articles mainly for entertainment, satire being my favorite so I normally wait till high BAAAWWW periods and release a article making fun of the situation, what motivates me is that its a game, games are meant to be fun, people take it too seriously so I want to make light of that and give people something to giggle about.

3. Is it ethical to include partially naked women pictures in article to increase votes?

3. I think we can all agree ethics are fluid things, constantly changing, many moons ago of course it would be considered inappropriate but in this modern day I think its perfectly acceptable to know that sex sells and everyone loves a bit of eye candy.

4. Do you think adding pictures of naked men would increase the number of my readers? (Tastefully done of course e.g. a tastefully placed banana in just the right place)

4. That is a wonderful question and I wanted to release a Christmas special to cater for the needs of many members of the eUK (Butjam, Chaz, Wayne, Cyg etc) unfortunately after multiple warnings, a small High Court submission and numerous restraining orders the photos of Phil Collins were not obtainable.

5. I have a friend called Dan, how can I convince him to add a ‘t’ and an ‘e’ to his name?

5. I used to pretend my name was Dante when I was still in high-school when I used to sneak into the backpacker resorts in my town and say I was 18 to get booze, if he likes women and booze, be a Dante.

6. I recently took my car (well my mums) into my local garage and asked for them to upgrade it to be like bumblebee from transformers, you know not optimus prime I’m not a greedy sod. All I wanted was bumblebee and they informed me that it was impossible, is this garage lying to me? If yes how should I punish them?

6. This is outrageous and obviously a sign of the greater Crispman conspiracy.

7. Do you have anything else you want to say/advertise/do? Anything maybe I missed with my detailed questioning?

7. Of course, I'm kidnapping your bonus picture area with something people prefer.

Cygs real identity

Gentlemen prefer blondes

for Hugh
