[MWC] ~ Competition Wingmen assemble!!!

Day 2,042, 16:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus

Hey guys,

I’ve just had some exciting news

I’m getting new neighbours….

What’s so special about that you ask? Well

After chatting to my neighbour it turns out he has a daughter who is 16 in 4 weeks (July 24th apparently)

Now just to clarify I’m a 20 year old male so this news excites me massively

Now as you may have previously seen I have chat up lines sorted http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/chat-up-line-for-you--2256554/1/20

But I do have a slight problem

That being said I’m 20 and can buy her booze I also have access to chloroform so I do have a chance

But I’m going to need some kick arse tips on how to get into her pants and that’s where the competition element comes in

The best/funniest advice gets 1 GOLD if multiple people give ‘really good’ advice they will all get 1 GOLD so don’t think that just because a dentist came in and gave some awesome advice you’re out of the running I am talking ‘really good’ advice though just ‘good’ won’t cut it

Bonus pics

Bonus joke

In an argument with my girlfriend yesterday, she shouted at me:

"Stop making jokes about rape! How do you think the women feel?"

"Depends on the girth," was probably not the best response.

😮 well done acroc