[MWC] company profits

Day 2,091, 20:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus

******************************this is very mathsy please try to read my advice anyway as it’s good stuff and could make you loadsa money ********************************** or go to the TL😃R whatever suits ya

so for this article I’ve assumed the following data

*Why is Q5,6,7 food orange: well they don’t actually sell at that price more on that later

Lets look on the profits of all companies

Now lets focus on some bits of the spreadsheet and explain them in detail

1. What is the best investment?

Well this is all about the ‘profit/gold investedx365’ column,, this column means that if you invested 1 gold in a company how much would you get back per YEAR only 1 company gives you your investment back in full and that is aluminium mine at 10 gold and making 200 WRM per day it is the best investment in companies possible

NOTE some training ground upgrades are better

NOTE 2 while WRM is unusually high at the moment so it’s making more profit than normal but this has been the best investment for ages now the previous one was saltpetre mine for £8500 when gold was around £1000/gold and higher these are the only 2 companies that have been best since the work as manager function was added

Also green is rubber plantation this giving 0.77 gold back per gold invested also this gives more profit for the space needed,, as you can only physically work in 240 companies per day rubber plantations can be better if you’re running out of room for new companies or if you want to replace some of your old aluminium mines

2.What do I actually lose money by working in?

Well if you were to work in a Q2,3,4 weapons company you would have used a resource that’s worth more than the weapons you produce are worth YOU LOSE MONEY by working in them so STOP

3.What’s wrong with Q5,6,7 food companies

The goods don’t actually sell for the prices quoted the profits may look high but anyone who buys food at those prices is an idiot (as I will show in a later article). While the profits for these seem high you can’t actually sell your goods for them and you will be forced to sell at what they’re actually worth Q5=0.15 Q6=0.18 Q7=0.3

and the profits are vastly reduced to £7.82, £9.42, £15.82 respectively

With food companies it is a better investment to spam Q1 companies rather than upgrade one you currently have 10 Q1 food companies produces the same amount of health as a Q7 but costs 100 gold instead of 681

4. What should I be paying my workers?

With the introduction of work tax I can now see the average wage in the eUK is £17.66 this is very disappointing to me because work is simply not worth that much only 1 company actually makes a profit on hiring workers and that’s Q7 weapons companys now I know we don’t have enough of those for everyone to work in one so some people are definitely losing money

If you don’t have a Q7 weapons company and you’re paying over £17 you are losing money every day

Now if you’re friends with your employee or are trying to get their vote in some election then fair enough that vote/friendship may be worth more than £17 a day but if you’re just employing people I ask you to work out how much your actually getting from their employment and see if you are losing money every day.

5. Will the markets change?

Yes eventually it will but investing in WRM companies has been the best option since they introduced work as manager option even if their prices were to half (to 0.02) they would still be best

Q7 weapons companies may also see their profits fall when Q7 weapons prices go back down at the moment they are doing really well and I feel that something will eventually give be it a massive increase in WRM prices or a massive fall in Q7 prices. Pre this inflation to £12 per Q7 they were trading about £8 each and while the companies were still making profits and the best for employing people but they were still a poor investment for the 681 gold outlay

If you have loads of space buy aluminium mines and sell the WRM every day
If you’re limited for space buy rubber plantations
Make sure you upgrade your free training grounds to lv 2 first though
Pay your workers less
Never upgrade a food company

Next time I’ll try to show you which products are best to buy in order to use (spoiler it’s Q2,3 food and Q7 weapons)

Bonus pics