[MoFa] Overview of Alliances - Aurora

Day 2,312, 14:20 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Buitenlandse Za

The Creation of the Alliance

The Aurora Alliance was officially created on day 2295, about three weeks ago, by seven different founding eNations. The founding members of the alliance are eBulgaria, eChile, eGermany, eIndonesia, eIreland, eRepublic of Macedonia, and eParaguay.

Aurora describes itself as,”… an alliance of nations committed to loyalty, liberty, and dignity, for all member nations.” According to Chapter 1 of Aurora’s Charter, “This alliance aims to balance the world and thus ensure the protection and the well-being of all member states. All member states are equal. The motto of the alliance is ‘Liberty, Loyalty, Dignity’.”

The alliance offers a third way for countries that may be wary of joining the alliances containing what some would consider polarising eNations such as ePoland and eSerbia. However, while the alliance certainly is independent and self-governing, it has made it very clear it is not a fan of Asteria and considers Asteria to be its main opponent. In this way, Aurora is often categorised as being pro-Sirius as you can see each alliance working with one another against Asteria's forces.

Alliance Leadership

The alliance leadership for this month consists of:

Secretary General Lord MdMG of eParaguay
Supreme Commander Don Croata of eIreland
Deputy Supreme Commander Pierre Dzoncy of eIreland
Public Relations Daanitha of eChile

Important Aspects of the Alliance

To join the Aurora Alliance, the prospective country must be approved unanimously by the members of the Aurora Alliance. It is also mentioned in the Aurora Charter that, “The applicant country should hold a referendum on joining. It should get the approval of at least 66% of the votes in order to join.”

Further Information

The official newspaper of the Aurora Alliance, called Aurora News, can be located here for more information regarding the alliance itself. You may also find further information at Aurora’s wikipage located here and the Aurora Alliance Charter here.

Country President,
Aries Prime

Minsters of Foreign Affairs,
Arcanic Mindje

State Secretary of Foreign Affairs,
Willem The Conqueror

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