[MoF] The beginning, the future and a job advertisement.

Day 1,324, 09:39 Published in Sweden Sweden by Valnad
Ladies, gents, converted Germans, fellow Unionists and other concerned parties,

This month I've had the honor of being appointed Minister of Finance. Although I've held this office three times before, I can't help but feel that this term will be much different from the previous ones. Since I have promised the "economic council" (which was recently created by Lonestar) that I would reveal my plans for the ministry as well as the road map I have in mind for July, I'll skip the introductions and move on to the core subject.

Change is in the air.

If we turn back the clock a few months, we used to have monthly Fiscal reports from the MoF, as well as a sound and detailed strategy for how to make our assets grow. Since then, admins has made several changes that shook our economy and changed the way in which the MoF worked. Today, we see the results: a world economy that plunged into a dark abyss, in which I feel that we're yet to hit the bottom.

My experience in this field of work is vast. I've always taken a certain interest in eEconomy and even though I've done a lot of work for other ministries, I've always tried to keep a watchful eye on the MoF. Without actually having been debriefed by my predecessor yet, I'm still confident that the legacy of keeping substantial currency and gold reserves has been maintained during Lonestars administration. I've had the pleasure of working with most of the staff that populated this ministry prior to this day, and I hold no grudge against any of them. In fact, I consider them to be some of the finest citizens this union has to offer.

But things have changed, and so must we.


Highly respectable members of our community have lately posted on our forum, stating that they think the MoF position is useless and that it should be removed. I beg to differ. As with every position in the government, it is what you make of it. Nothing more, nothing less. I intend to make the most of my time and deliver detailed reports throughout the month, where I give a detailed analysis of the situation and our tax revenues. I will also clean out most of the old staff to make room for fresh eyes and new perspectives. I'm aware that some will feel sidestepped by this course of action, but I'm not here to run a social club; I'm here to find ways of improvement. If that means re-locating some of my own friends, well, then so be it. Valnadture Finance; we do what we must, because we can.

A skilled MoF also knows how to dance alongside the market. Information is crucial if you want to stay on top of your game and therefor I will employ a team of dedicated analysts who can hopefully help me gather the data I need to do a proper job. If admins are planning any more changes, we need to figure that out what they're up to before the shit hits the fan. If a large-scale military operation is in the making, we need to know that as well. Everything and anything that may have even the slighest bit of effect on our domestic market is of interest to me and my soon-to-be colleagues.


We used to be one of the best export countries in the eWorld, but today we have several company managers who are afraid of selling their products abroad. This is something I think could be changed, as long as we give the right kind of information. I aim to hold weekly meetings on IRC, starting w. 29, where everyone of our citizens are welcome to ask questions and discuss market strategies with me and the rest of the MoF. There are markets where you can earn more than selling in Sweden and there are still a few ways for you to earn the daily 10g limit.

Our task is to earn money, not tutoring the public in how to best earn their living. But sometimes the latter is a prerequisite to the first. Which uncannily brings us on to...

The Next Generation.

Politicians never walk their talk. Too many of our new players are getting fooled by fake promises and empty, populistic propaganda. There's only one way to go if we truly want to grow and prosper as a nation and that is to build together. To search for new, hungry and loyal players and elevate them to a higher level of expertise. Teach them what we know and then allow them to make their own decisions. We die if we try to turn them into mindless voting drones since they'll make an an ass of themselves just like the rest of the crowd. Instead of working side by side to conquer our competition they'll have a bitch fest worthy of a EDEN summit. The cake we call politics, my friends, is truly one big ¤#%-ing lie.

So how, exactly, do we do that?

Well, we could start off by actually giving them a chance to learn and make a difference.

Therefore I have decided to use this month to actively search for politically unbiased newbies who are interested in becoming our future economic gurus. Politicans are fine at what they do, but we have too many of them. What I'm looking for are those who play for the economy module and who are good - or at least wants to become good - at running companies and dealing with the product- and money market. I started off that way myself and even though I've sacrificed the chance of possibly ever becoming a great tank, I've still got a crap load of companies which will ensure that I never have to feel poor again.

If you study economy IRL or if you're simply just interested in working for the Ministry of Finance, feel free to toss me a PM. Everyone may contribute in their own way... most of us just doesn't know how. Yet.

Yours truly,

Minister of Finance
Keeper of The Cake