[MoC] PP results September

Day 2,127, 11:40 Published in Denmark Denmark by Kristian Klausen

English version below
Dansk version
Skuffende men acceptabelt parti valg
Parti valgene er netop overstået, og resultaterne er tikket ind. Når Informationsministeriet kigger nærmere på resultaterne kommer der blandede oplevelser frem. Først og fremmest kan det nævnes at det udelukkende er officielle kandidater som er blevet parti præsidenter. Dette gør Informationsministeriets arbejde fremadrettet mod kongres valget noget nemmere. Til gengæld er det et uhyggeligt lavt antal stemmer som er blevet afgivet. Blot 33! stemmer blev afgivet over de 24 timer som valget varede.
eDanmark forbereder sig på "lock down"
De få antal afgivne stemmer gør arbejdet med at koordinere valgene i Danmark ekstremt svært. For at sige det ligeud, så vil Informationsministeriet anbefale regeringen at afgive sin ene region, såfremt at der igen til de næste valg vil være færre end 40! antal afgivne stemmer. Dette vil sige at hvis Informationsminister Kristian Klauseni løbet af de næste par valg fornemmer at der er for få antal personer som stemmer til valgene så vil Danmark have 1 region i en måned og dermed ikke have nogen kongres. Dette burde ikke være noget nogen foretrækker, men kan blive en realitet, hvis ikke folk husker at stemme når der er valg. Det er jeres eget valg om hvorvidt vi skal lade os erobre eller bevare lidt af den stolthed, som vi har tilbage.
I Aperture Science formåede Lutharus som enste kandidat at vinde valget i dette parti med 1 stemme.
I Aurora formåede ChrisseR at vinde med 5 stemmer i en kamp mod to permanente udelukkede brugere(perm banned).
I Dansker For Danmark som nu er blevet omdøbt til The Royal Party, vandt Maine Coon med 3 stemmer over Kaspar Haurum som fik 1 stemme.
I Denmark National Party som nu er blevet omdøbt til Danish Nihilist Party vandt The Valeyard over Hanna22 og Gravenn. Hanna22 fik 0 stemmer, mens Gravenn fik 2 stemmer.
I Kalmarunionen Part vandt MaartenW en nervepirrende dyst mod Agir Hler og Vincent.omg. MaartenW fik 5 stemmer, Agir Hler fik 4 mens Vincent.omg fik 0 stemmer.
I Killers with spoons var Sasori5 den eneste opstillede kandidat og blev valgt med 4 stemmer.
I Vanguard vandt pho3nix uden at have fået modstand. Pho3nix blev valgt med 1 stemme.
I Venstre blev Hannibal den grumme sejrsherren efter at have vundet over Ognif og to permanent udelukkede brugere(perm banned). Hannibal den grumme fik 4 stemmer mens de tre andre fik 0 stemmer.


English Version
A disappointing election but acceptable
A very quiet last 24 hours resulted in a election where only 33 people voted. This is simply too few. If eDenmark should continue to run with one region we need to see more votes in the elections. We have seen this tendency for a couple of months now. While we in the summer months defended it by saying it is due to vacation, the heat etc. it is now a lot more alarming that so few people vote in the elections. This time we survived and only trusted candidates won the election in their party, but it is overshadowed by the few number of votes.

Denmark with 0 regions
If the tendency continues and very few people vote in the election the minister of communication Kristian Klausen who is also the election coordinator will inform the President and his/hers government that his advice will be to go to war and lose Denmark's only remaining region. In the ministry of communication we don't believe that this will be in anyone's interest therefore it is up to You to secure that this doesn't happens. You can help by voting in the elections when we have one. The election are taking place every month at the 5th, 15th and the 25th. It only takes 5 minutes to read the article relating to the election to see who the official candidate from the government is and contemporary vote. Therefore we advice every person, even though they don't play much anymore to be active those 3 days in 5 minutes.

The results
I Aperture Science formåede Lutharus som enste kandidat at vinde valget i dette parti med 1 stemme.
In Aurora ChrisseR won with 5 votes against two perm banned users.
In Dansker For Danmark who has now changed its name to The Royal Party, Maine Coon won with 3 votes against Kaspar Haurum who got 1 vote.
In Denmark National Party who has changed its name to Danish Nihilist Party The Valeyard won against Hanna22 and Gravenn. Hanna22 got 0 votes, while Gravenn got 2 votes.
In Kalmarunionen Part MaartenW won a very close race against Agir Hler and Vincent.omg. MaartenW got 5 votes, Agir Hler got 4 while Vincent.omg got 0 votes.
In Killers with spoons Sasori5 was the only candidate. He was elected with 4 votes.
In Vanguard pho3nix won without opposition as the only candidate beside him was perm banned during the election. Pho3nix was elected with 1 vote.
In Venstre Hannibal den grumme was elected after he won a clear victory. Ognif and two permanent users all got 0 votes while Hannibal den grumme got 4 votes.

The Ministry of Communication