[MEK] We are recruting!

Day 1,981, 10:08 Published in Portugal Portugal by Passos Coelho


MEK is recruting new members!

Our minimum requirements are:
- 30000 hit with q7 weapons;
- God of War rank;
- be very active on a daily basis.

Our mininum requirements are updated regularly so that MEK remains an elite force.
We only accept top players, with lots of strength and ready to fight everything they have.

We are one of the best MUs in the world.
Recently, in order to celebrate our 1st Year Anniversary, we (29 members) fought and defeated Spain (11k citizens!), winning all D4 rounds almost alone and with some friends also won in the other divisions. On that day we won and liberated 3 regions (one in Venezuela, Guyana -> cut weapons bonus! , one in Argentina and one in Canada). Also, on the next day we helped Colombia to release Amazonica from TWO domain.

That day MEK was the number 1 military unit in the world.

If you want to be part of MEK contact us on #mekpublic or send a PM ingame to Cidadao or Passos Coelho

[Versão Portuguesa]

Os MEK estão a recrutar novos membros!

Os requisitos mínimos para entrar nos MEK são:
- rank mínimo de God of War
- hit mínimo de 30000 com arma Q7
- ser muito activo diariamente

Os requisitos mínimos serão actualizados sempre que se considerar necessário de forma a que os MEK se mantenham uma força de elite e de referência.

Se queres fazer parte dos MEK e tens os requisitos mínimos, contacta-nos no #mekpublic ou envia uma PM para Cidadao ou Passos Coelho