[MDP] A Better Canada - Starting with your vote!

Day 1,674, 12:58 Published in Canada Canada by Code-Y

Hello Friends, Family, Strangers. Today, I come to you with a message regarding your future! Your destiny! It's imperative that you read the following, because it will change the course of your life as we know it. This summer, will define an entire year of our history! Big changes will happen around the globe, some we'll enjoy and some we won't!

I am here to make sure that we enjoy as many of these as we can! And to do so, I'm asking you, yes you! To help me! Not only will I be running for Congress this 25th, but I'll also be running for a better Canada. By this time next month, I plan for us to have a signifcant standing in the world of eRepublik. We will be stronger, better, we will Dominate.

How will we do this? As a MDP Congressman, I'll be the enemy of our enemies, the hero to our allies and a patriot to our country, I will be active. I will be there, and I will help YOU! I'll be campaigning for more war, for a better economy and a better game playing experience for us all!

Give it a try, vote Code-Y