[Irule4CP] The Wrap Up

Day 1,962, 07:38 Published in Australia USA by irule777

Australians have watched my campaign over the past days. You have seen my policies, you have seen my experience, and now it’s time to decide. Tomorrow, go to the polls and vote for activity, leadership, and change.

What I will accomplish as Prime Minister,

-Growth in the NaN alliance through extended relations with smaller nations including Cyprus, Malaysia, Portugal and many more

-An increase in our MPP stack and allies through talks with new nations and rebuilding old relationships with good friends

-An Information Department and a President that will release a constant stream of articles. You deserve to know what we’re doing, why, and when

-An Education Department that will work on a new welcome message, be more inviting, and continue to push activity and assist new players to strengthen our future

-Defence Funding paid for by other nations through the utilisation of the AMUA which will enable the purchasing of more MPP's and continue to have a domino effect over the term.

-A citizen friendly Government that uses clear and precise communication to keep the nation informed of not only long term plans but daily activities

-Well planned out and considered decisions based on the long term goals and survival of our nation, not on single victories we have no hope of maintaining

Voting Irule is voting for a stronger Australia, a fresh nation; A wave of activity and outlooks across all departments including the most important international stage.

I am here to give you the Australia you deserve.

Vote Irule777 for Prime Minister

The Campaign Trail
Foreign Affairs - Pt 1
Foreign Affairs - Pt 2
Domestic Affairs