[ILP|LA] Denunciation of Vulgaris Magistralis

Day 1,355, 21:19 Published in Ireland Ireland by Patrick O'leary

We in the ILP stand for an ethical Government and hold all who are honoured to be elected to office under our party name to this standard.

So it is with dismay and outrage that we have to report an outrageous abuse of power and trust of the eIrish people.

This is especially outrageous to the Independent Labour Party because we have to report that this abuse is by one of our own Congressmen.

Congressman Vulgaris Magistralis has attempted to extort 10 Gold for approval of Citizenship of multiple immigrants trying to come to eIreland.

Screenshots can be seen here:
Victim #1 - pantel:

Victim #2 – Popi-Boss


We at ILP declare that such behaviour is a disgrace not only for an ILP congressman, but for all elected servants of the Irish people.

So, we, the other TD's of ILP, the ILP PP and it's members hereby denounce Vulgaris Magistralis and while we are unable to remove him the ILP it should be noted that he no longer is to be considered a member of our party or acting in our interest.

The commander of Labour's Army, Kurdt Fradenburg, has been informed of this, and Vulgaris has also been removed from the ranks of LA.

Signed on behalf of all ILP members...

Party President of the Independent Labour Party
Patrick O'Leary,

MONC; Irasian

Teachta Dála Ross Ninel,

Kurdt Fradenburg; commander of Labour's Army

Winston Hope Smith,
F. Castro,

Thank you