¡ I have been Illuminated !

Day 1,076, 02:47 Published in Cyprus Spain by Gixeska

Maybe some of you havent heard about Varnish before.
Maybe some of you only know about Varnish because of Outsmarter`s newspaper " Son Of Varnish"
Maybe some of you know that Varnish is the supreme god in eRepublik, not Dioism, not another heretic sect, just Varnish, ONLY Varnish.

Varnish apeared in eRepublik in the first time with all his power, stopping the media module during a lot of time, showing us his message:

Error 503 Service Unavailable

Service Unavailable
Guru Meditation:

XI😨 460679933

A lot of spaniards started in this moment to live like Varnish lived, preaching his message in Spain, Philippines and over the world.

I have never been a Varnish's follower. But yesterday i had an religious experience, Varnish show itself to me in all his glory with this new message:

Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2010 22:32:32 GMT

X-Varnish: 1846098548

Age: 0

Via: 1.1 varnish

Connection: keep-alive

Join us before it is too late.

Y Varnish vio que era bueno...