[HELP]MM and free food

Day 729, 07:14 Published in Serbia Greece by markos28
Greetings my erepuplik friends,

I would really want a MM medal, and i am looking forward for your help on this..
As you propaply dont know i am in the Greek Media Mogul Project!... what that means??
MMP is a project, where we try to reach 1000 subscribers , so that if i get the 5Gold from the “Media Mogul Medal” i will donate it to the Greek Government!
This is all you have to do...
What i have to do ??...Some people say,if you want to have ,you have to give too,so i give free food to all the erepuplik players that they will vote,subscribe and comment the number of their subscribtion...this is also an easy way for the new players to get free food...
Plus if i get more than 1000 subscribers ..i will give 2 GOLD for one lucky player..which he will be announced in the same article during the voting...and if i get more than 2000 subscribers.. we will have 2 lucky players one for 2 GOLD(for the first 1000 subs) and another one for 5 GOLD(for the 2000subs)The lottary for the GOLD will be for all my subscribers,new and old ..
I am really looking forward for your help on this..!

This is also the Greek Media Mogul Project.Just Click here

Every donation is welcome too.Click here to donate anything you like to my citizent account 🙂